While similar to the NOW() function: TODAY() returns the current date (not the current time, if formatted, time will return 12:00am).
This function updates when the formula is recalculated, when a base is loaded, or otherwise roughly every 15 minutes when a base is open. If the base is closed, it will update approximately every hour only when the base has time-dependent automation triggers or actions, or sync dependencies.
While similar to the TODAY() function, NOW() returns the current date AND time.
This function updates when the formula is recalculated, when a base is loaded, or otherwise roughly every 15 minutes when a base is open. If the base is closed, it will update approximately every hour only when the base has time-dependent automation triggers or actions, or sync dependencies.
Returns the second of a datetime as an integer between 0 and 59.
Returns the minute of a datetime as an integer between 0 and 59.
Returns the hour of a datetime as a number between 0 (12:00am) and 23 (11:00pm).
Returns the day of the month of a datetime in the form of a number between 1-31.
Returns the day of the week as an integer between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday).
Returns the month of a datetime as a number between 1 (January) and 12 (December).
Returns the week number in a year. You may optionally provide a second argument (either "Sunday" or "Monday") to start weeks on that day. If omitted, weeks start on Sunday by default. Example: WEEKNUM(TODAY(), "Monday")
Returns the four-digit year of a datetime.