Lokale Mand is an open, accessible food marketplace that connects consumers directly with local farmers and food producers.
Our goal is to provide fresh, organic produce while supporting sustainable practices and fair trade.
The platform is currently in beta testing, built with Flutter and hosted on a VPS server with Firebase for data storage.
We plan to transition to the Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain to leverage its decentralized infrastructure for enhanced security, transparency, and scalability.
Project Goals:
Short-term: Successfully complete the pilot phase in The Netherlands, testing user engagement, usability, and market viability.
Long-term: Transition to ICP, implement smart contracts for transactions, and develop APIs for integration with external systems.
Target Users: Consumers looking for fresh, organic produce, and local farmers and food producers seeking a fair marketplace.
Barriers and Dependencies: The main barrier is the transition from the current infrastructure to ICP. Dependencies include the successful recruitment of additional team members and securing the grant to focus full-time on the project.
Utilization of Grant Funding: The grant will be used to cover development costs, transition to ICP, and support the recruitment of additional team members.