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Financial Aid
Testimonials / Spotlight
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Visit tutoring centers
Look up faculty hours and contact info
Connect with advising resources
Connect with academic support
Access Academic Calendar
Learn about quality of academics
Learn about degree requirements
Learn about academic degrees
Showcase potential career paths from academic programs
Convey academic excellence at a competitive price
Increase reliance on academic program pages for course information
Highlight related academic programs
Highlight related program opportunities
Highlight related academic policies
Include academic advising syllabus/calendar items within the main academic calendar

Provide lists of important questions for students to discuss with their advisors at various points in their educational journey
Guide students to honors programs
Access to comprehensive academic program content
Highlight opportunities for additional academic engagement
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Sed in sem tortor. Maecenas in leo eleifend, mattis sem eu, dictum leo. Nulla suscipit, mi condimentum tincidunt fermentum, neque nisi pellentesque urna, a dignissim lacus turpis eu purus. Etiam euismod sit amet lorem et aliquam. Duis eget cursus odio. Morbi vel magna tellus. Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-N/A
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Alumni
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Undergraduate Student
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-High School Graduate
Southern Adventist University is a Christian College, and that brand is clear and prevalent throughout their copy.
UCF has at least one video on almost every marketing-driven page. Show, not tell.
Simple elements and a well-thought-out layout help multiple features feel easier to digest.
Concord uses appropriate photography to support what would have been a bland links list.
When these sites were designed, it was important to cram everything "above the fold" due to slow site load times.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Valencia asks the user to drill down by degree type (associates > A.A. vs. A.S, etc.). When looking for Nursing, it took 10 minutes of clicking around to find the program. Users who know they want to be a nurse, but don't know the path, requirements, or degree type, will be lost.
graduate school
school of business
Calendar, Academic calendar, calendar, academic calendar
Find relevant affiliation groups
Update office faculty profile
Visit tutoring centers
View parking information
Look up faculty hours and contact info
Find campus organizations
Find campus events
Connect with advising resources
Connect with academic support
View library hours
Learn about campus satefy
Visit and tour campus
Provide alternate ways to connect with University schools, departments and faculty
Ensure access to Visit content
Provide pathways for prospective students to apply
Provide lists of important questions for students to discuss with their advisors at various points in their educational journey
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Sed in sem tortor. Maecenas in leo eleifend, mattis sem eu, dictum leo. Nulla suscipit, mi condimentum tincidunt fermentum, neque nisi pellentesque urna, a dignissim lacus turpis eu purus. Etiam euismod sit amet lorem et aliquam. Duis eget cursus odio. Morbi vel magna tellus. Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Often
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Always
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Parent
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Undergraduate Student
How many lorem ipsum dolor-1-5
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
Valencia asks the user to drill down by degree type (associates > A.A. vs. A.S, etc.). When looking for Nursing, it took 10 minutes of clicking around to find the program. Users who know they want to be a nurse, but don't know the path, requirements, or degree type, will be lost.
Health center
Rec center, rec center
registrar, Registrar
library, Library
map, campus map, Map, Campus map
parking, Parking, parking services, perking permit
bookstore, Bookstore, book store
Visit tutoring centers
View parking information
View dining options
Find campus organizations
Learn about campus satefy
Learn about campus life
Visit and tour campus
Highlight thriving residential campus
Showcase the benefits of the on-campus environment
Showcase state-of-the-art facilities

How often lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Sed in sem tortor. Maecenas in leo eleifend, mattis sem eu, dictum leo. Nulla suscipit, mi condimentum tincidunt fermentum, neque nisi pellentesque urna, a dignissim lacus turpis eu purus. Etiam euismod sit amet lorem et aliquam. Duis eget cursus odio. Morbi vel magna tellus. Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Often
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Always
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Parent
How many lorem ipsum dolor-1-5
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
meal plans
residence life
Health center
housing, Housing
Rec center, rec center
registrar, Registrar
dining, Dining, Dining services, meal plan
library, Library
map, campus map, Map, Campus map
parking, Parking, parking services, perking permit
bookstore, Bookstore, book store
Connect with advising resources
Learn about quality of academics
Learn about degree requirements
Learn about academic degrees
Showcase potential career paths from academic programs
Share positive student outcome information
Showcase new and innovative areas of study
Guide students to honors programs
Highlight related academic programs
Access to comprehensive academic program content
Improve transparency of graduation requirements
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Never
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-High School Student
UCF has at least one video on almost every marketing-driven page. Show, not tell.
Simple elements and a well-thought-out layout help multiple features feel easier to digest.
These days, too many elements in one space is just clutter with no visual hierarchy.
When these sites were designed, it was important to cram everything "above the fold" due to slow site load times.
Valencia asks the user to drill down by degree type (associates > A.A. vs. A.S, etc.). When looking for Nursing, it took 10 minutes of clicking around to find the program. Users who know they want to be a nurse, but don't know the path, requirements, or degree type, will be lost.
graduate school
school of business
career services, career directions
Visit tutoring centers
View parking information
View dining options
Look up faculty hours and contact info
Find campus organizations
Learn about campus satefy
Learn about campus life
Visit and tour campus
Provide alternate ways to connect with University schools, departments and faculty
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Often
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Always
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Parent
How many lorem ipsum dolor-1-5
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
residence life
Health center
Rec center, rec center
registrar, Registrar
dining, Dining, Dining services, meal plan
library, Library
map, campus map, Map, Campus map
bookstore, Bookstore, book store
parking, Parking, parking services, perking permit
Access community resources
Find relevant affiliation groups
Find campus organizations
Find campus events
Access Academic Calendar
Understand procedures and timelines
Visit and tour campus
Ensure access to Visit content
Provide lists of important questions for students to discuss with their advisors at various points in their educational journey
Include academic advising syllabus/calendar items within the main academic calendar

How many lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-N/A
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Seldom
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Alumni
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Undergraduate Student
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-High School Graduate
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Over 20
How many lorem ipsum dolor-11-15
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
graduation, Graduation
Calendar, Academic calendar, calendar, academic calendar
Access community resources
Engage with fundraising campaigns
Find relevant affiliation groups
View content on alumni and events
Follow links from email blasts
Find campus organizations
Find campus events
Learn about campus life
Visit and tour campus
Ensure access to Visit content
Highlight opportunities for additional academic engagement
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Seldom
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Sometimes
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Over 20
How many lorem ipsum dolor-16-20
How many lorem ipsum dolor-11-15
How many lorem ipsum dolor-6-10
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
Concord uses appropriate photography to support what would have been a bland links list.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
graduation, Graduation
open house, Open house
Look up faculty hours and contact info
Connect with advising resources
Connect with academic support
Understand procedures and timelines
Learn about school reputation and student praparedness
Learn about campus life
Showcase potential career paths from academic programs
Highlight faculty who challenge and mentor students
Provide lists of important questions for students to discuss with their advisors at various points in their educational journey
Steer students to available academic support and advising services
Improve transparency of graduation requirements
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Never
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Undergraduate Student
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-High School Student
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
The user doesn't know where to look, feels overwhelmed, and is more likely to bounce.
These days, too many elements in one space is just clutter with no visual hierarchy.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
Valencia asks the user to drill down by degree type (associates > A.A. vs. A.S, etc.). When looking for Nursing, it took 10 minutes of clicking around to find the program. Users who know they want to be a nurse, but don't know the path, requirements, or degree type, will be lost.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
Seminole State has a good balance of elements the user needs in a clear and functional layout.
career services, career directions
Visit tutoring centers
View parking information
View dining options
Find campus organizations
Learn about quality of academics
Learn about campus life
Learn about student experiences
Highlight thriving residential campus
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
When these sites were designed, it was important to cram everything "above the fold" due to slow site load times.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
meal plans
residence life
study abroad
Health center
dining, Dining, Dining services, meal plan
housing, Housing
Rec center, rec center
Provide alternate ways to connect with University schools, departments and faculty
Access to comprehensive academic program content
Highlight opportunities for additional academic engagement
Simple elements and a well-thought-out layout help multiple features feel easier to digest.
Concord uses appropriate photography to support what would have been a bland links list.
graduate school
school of business
Increase reliance on academic program pages for course information
Include academic advising syllabus/calendar items within the main academic calendar

Access to comprehensive academic program content
Improve transparency of graduation requirements
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
How often lorem ipsum dolor-N/A
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-High School Graduate
Simple elements and a well-thought-out layout help multiple features feel easier to digest.
These days, too many elements in one space is just clutter with no visual hierarchy.
Follow links from email blasts
Update office faculty profile
Look up faculty hours and contact info
Find campus organizations
Learn about quality of academics
Learn about academic degrees
Provide alternate ways to connect with University schools, departments and faculty
Highlight faculty who challenge and mentor students
Increase Faculty/Staff pride in the University and its programs
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
When these sites were designed, it was important to cram everything "above the fold" due to slow site load times.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
work order
human resources
Understand procedures and timelines
Learn how to apply for financial aid
Learn about financial aid availability and scholarships
Learn about degree requirements
Learn about academic degrees
Highlight related academic policies
Access to comprehensive academic program content
Improve transparency of graduation requirements
How many lorem ipsum dolor-Sed in sem tortor. Maecenas in leo eleifend, mattis sem eu, dictum leo. Nulla suscipit, mi condimentum tincidunt fermentum, neque nisi pellentesque urna, a dignissim lacus turpis eu purus. Etiam euismod sit amet lorem et aliquam. Duis eget cursus odio. Morbi vel magna tellus. Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
Simple elements and a well-thought-out layout help multiple features feel easier to digest.
These days, too many elements in one space is just clutter with no visual hierarchy.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
final audit
Access community resources
Engage with fundraising campaigns
Find relevant affiliation groups
Visit tutoring centers
View parking information
Find campus organizations
Find campus events
Connect with advising resources
Learn about opportunities
Learn about school reputation and student praparedness
Learn about campus life
Demonstrate connections with the community that offer real world experiences
Highlight thriving residential campus
Highlight related clubs/organizations
Steer students to available academic support and advising services
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
Rocky Mountain College covers everything a prospective student might want to know. I'd be interested to see how much of it is actually relevant.
The user doesn't know where to look, feels overwhelmed, and is more likely to bounce.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
Valencia asks the user to drill down by degree type (associates > A.A. vs. A.S, etc.). When looking for Nursing, it took 10 minutes of clicking around to find the program. Users who know they want to be a nurse, but don't know the path, requirements, or degree type, will be lost.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
Seminole State has a good balance of elements the user needs in a clear and functional layout.
Access community resources
Find relevant affiliation groups
Visit tutoring centers
Find campus organizations
Connect with advising resources
Learn about quality of academics
Learn about opportunities
Learn about school reputation and student praparedness
Learn about campus life
Demonstrate connections with the community that offer real world experiences
Showcase new and innovative areas of study
Highlight related program opportunities
Highlight opportunities for additional academic engagement
Which best lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
This site responds to the exact size of the browser window, which helps ensure good UX on all devices.
Southern Adventist University is a Christian College, and that brand is clear and prevalent throughout their copy.
Concord uses appropriate photography to support what would have been a bland links list.
When these sites were designed, it was important to cram everything "above the fold" due to slow site load times.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Images, icons, and clean, relevant graphics help the user find things quickly and easily by making the page more scan-able.
Valencia asks the user to drill down by degree type (associates > A.A. vs. A.S, etc.). When looking for Nursing, it took 10 minutes of clicking around to find the program. Users who know they want to be a nurse, but don't know the path, requirements, or degree type, will be lost.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
Seminole State has a good balance of elements the user needs in a clear and functional layout.
study abroad
Visit tutoring centers
Look up faculty hours and contact info
Connect with advising resources
Connect with academic support
Understand procedures and timelines
Learn about school reputation and student praparedness
Learn about campus life
Highlight faculty who challenge and mentor students
Steer students to available academic support and advising services
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
The user doesn't know where to look, feels overwhelmed, and is more likely to bounce.
Calls to Action should always be directly related to the content at hand. Otherwise, the user's attention is divided between the CTAs and the task they're trying to accomplish.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
Valencia asks the user to drill down by degree type (associates > A.A. vs. A.S, etc.). When looking for Nursing, it took 10 minutes of clicking around to find the program. Users who know they want to be a nurse, but don't know the path, requirements, or degree type, will be lost.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
Seminole State has a good balance of elements the user needs in a clear and functional layout.
human resources
Understand procedures and timelines
Learn how to apply for financial aid
Learn about degree requirements
Provide clear and actionable information on scholarship
Provide clear and actionable information on financial aid
Provide pathways for prospective students to apply
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Sed in sem tortor. Maecenas in leo eleifend, mattis sem eu, dictum leo. Nulla suscipit, mi condimentum tincidunt fermentum, neque nisi pellentesque urna, a dignissim lacus turpis eu purus. Etiam euismod sit amet lorem et aliquam. Duis eget cursus odio. Morbi vel magna tellus. Proin finibus nunc nec leo consequat, in posuere enim cursus. Curabitur justo lorem, condimentum eget auctor ut, vestibulum quis eros.
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
Learn about campus life
Visit and tour campus
Ensure access to Visit content
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Sometimes
How many lorem ipsum dolor-16-20
How many lorem ipsum dolor-6-10
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
open house, Open house
Understand procedures and timelines
Learn how to apply for financial aid
Learn about financial aid availability and scholarships
Provide clear and actionable information on financial aid
Convey academic excellence at a competitive price
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
financial aid, Financial aid
Learn about campus life
Visit and tour campus
Ensure access to Visit content
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Sometimes
How many lorem ipsum dolor-16-20
How many lorem ipsum dolor-6-10
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
open house, Open house
Access Academic Calendar
Understand procedures and timelines
Learn how to apply for financial aid
Learn about financial aid availability and scholarships
Learn about degree requirements
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
Creating engaging content around athletics
Highlight thriving residential campus
How often lorem ipsum dolor-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod posuere diam, quis tempus arcu venenatis ac. Etiam varius enim dui, in tincidunt dui feugiat eget. Etiam molestie est venenatis lectus lacinia iaculis. In suscipit vulputate dictum. Donec gravida dui libero, at pharetra neque efficitur nec.
Health center
Understand procedures and timelines
Learn about degree requirements
Learn about academic degrees
UCF's College of Nursing is the only competitor that features their faculty, and the list is endless.
Important, highly-trafficked pages like these also feel more engaging and personal with such assets.
graduate school
Learn about quality of academics
Learn about campus life
Learn about student experiences
Share inspiring alumni success stories

Share positive student outcome information
When these sites were designed, it was important to cram everything "above the fold" due to slow site load times.
Forcing the user to dive through multiple hover states requires unnecessary precision, patience, knowledge of what to expect, and is completely unusable on mobile.
View content on alumni and events
Follow links from email blasts
Access campus announcements
Creating engaging content around athletics
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