Form to the accounting services contract
KP Consulting Sp. z o.o.
Address of the residence:
- Poland
- other
Tax office
Core business *
- {name}
Form of taxation
- tax scale (general rules)
- flat rate tax
- lump sum on registered income
- tax card (fixed amount tax)
Tax advance payments
- monthly
- quarterly
- simplified
The company is an active VAT payer *
- yes
- no
The company is an active VAT UE payer *
- yes
- no
I own shares in other companies
The information is needed for settlements with ZUS
- yes
- no
e.g. November 2021
I want to use a sales invoicing tool -
The service is additionally payable PLN 10 monthly
- yes
- no
Notes/Additional information
- {name}
Please select documents that you have, and then attach them below
- CEIDG application
- ZZA (ZUS registration)
- VAT-R (VAT registration)
- rental agreement
Attach file
Drop files here
Information clause on personal data processing
The administrator of your personal data obtained as a result of completing and sending this form is KP Consulting sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (00-825) at ul. Sienna 64.
Your personal data will be processed in order to prepare the accounting services contract and to fulfill the provisions contained therein.
The administrator can be contacted by e-mail: or by post: KP Consulting sp. z o.o., ul. Sienna 64, 00-825 Warsaw.
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form