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Submit a New CMC SOS Site

Enter the below information to report your new monitoring site to SOS staff. They will use this information to add your site to the Clean Water Hub so you can submit data. Email with any questions. Don't have a Clean Water Hub account yet? Create one here:

Organization you would like your site associated with in the Hub. If your organization doesn't have a profile on the Hub yet, fill out this form and we will create one:
The official name of the stream you wish to sample in.
Site Description
Enter brief description of site location that would allow an individual to find the station without latitude and longitude.
  • {name}
Ex) 39.120969
Your longitude value should include a negative symbol to indicate that you are located in the western hemisphere. Ex) -77.220561
Which protocol will you use at this site?

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form