
Lorem ipsum

12 Days of Christmas 2023 Submissions

I'm so excited to invite you to participate in the final list-building event for 2023! Submissions are accepted until November 10, 2023 @ 11:59pm EST. Here's how this works: - Between December 1 - 12, 2023, all contributors will be sharing the promotion page with their audience (email and social media). - Each contributor agrees to promote this page at least once a day for the 12 days (either via email or social media). - People can sign-up for your offer from the promotion page - You must submit an image that is square - minimum 500 x 500 (pixels) In order for your submission to be accepted, please answer ALL questions below. If you're not sure on anything, please email me BEFORE you submit your details.

If you are providing a discount code, ideally this will be part of your URL otherwise, please provide that as part of your description below.
You can check the word count at You can also include emojis, bold, bullet points etc. Please format this how YOU want it to look (I won't be adjusting).

If using a discount code, ideally this will be part of your link.
Upload square promo image of your offer
Minimum size is 500 x 500 px. You can use this template here (you may need to copy the link if you can't click it):
Attach file
Drop files here

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form