Work with internal and external stakeholders to identify the key datasets that your organisation will be releasing into your first year, and a realistic timetable for release
Knowledge & skills
Open data expertise
Identify the person who will be responsible for leading implementation of the Charter within your organisation
Knowledge & skills
Open data expertise
Bring together an operational team that will oversee delivery of the initial stages of implementing the Charter
Strategic oversight
Open data strategy
Identify the early commitments that will form part of your initial open data strategy, e.g. changes to legislation, publication of the open data policy, etc
Strategic oversight
Open data strategy
Write and publish your public statement of adoption of the Charter principles
Investment & financial performance
Financial oversight
Secure the necessary support for the financial and resourcing commitments for the initiative
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Identify and engage with the internal and external stakeholders necessary to deliver on your initial commitments, in order to gain their support and backing
Investment & financial performance
Open data in procurement
Seek clarity around data rights within existing contracts
Investment & financial performance
Dataset valuation process
Develop a feedback mechanism for monitoring use and value of dataset releases with specific stakeholders
Data management processes
Data governance
Identify the standard licence to be used for releasing government data. Ideally new licences should be compatible with an existing open data licence, such as those from Creative Commons
Data management processes
Data release process
Define a simple process that will help guide the release of your first datasets
Data management processes
Data release process
Deploy an open data portal or other standard way for your organisation to publish data
Data management processes
Standards development & adoption
Identify the appropriate open standards that will be used for releasing your initial datasets
Knowledge & skills
Open data expertise
Engage with the leaders across your organisation who will be essential to early progress
Knowledge & skills
Open data expertise
Engage with external organisations that may be able to provide you with support, e.g. through mentoring, training, or technical expertise
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Engage with the communities of reusers who could benefit from your initial data releases
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Create and publicise channels of communication to allow data requests from outside your organisations
Community support & engagement
Open data documentation
Create and publish guidance around how to document your datasets, covering the social, technical and legal aspects of reuse. Ensure published datasets conform to this guidance
Community support & engagement
Re-user support processes
Ensure that there are clear contact points which early data reusers can use to obtain help and ask questions about data
Community support & engagement
Community norms
Define a clear set of guidelines that describe how users can attribute use of your data, where attribution is required
Strategic oversight
Open data strategy
Publish your initial open data strategy
Strategic oversight
Asset catalogue
On the basis of a data audit, create a register of your key data assets, use this to track decisions on whether datasets can be released, have been released, etc
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Set up regular liaison with your key stakeholders to help monitor progress, accept feedback and share knowledge
Investment & financial performance
Open data in procurement
Tailor individual contracts and procurement activities to address data licensing, and use open data to help differentiate between suppliers
Investment & financial performance
Dataset valuation process
Carry out some monitoring and reporting of the value (uses and benefits) of some datasets for specific data use communities eg by surveys, interview, discussion etc
Data management processes
Data release process & Managing sensitive data
Define a standard process for releasing data, with steps addressing anonymisation, risk assessments, licensing, etc
Data management processes
Standards development & adoption
Create some basic guidance for how to structure data for release, e.g. a set of preferred open formats
Knowledge & skills
Knowledge management
Collect together relevant resources and guidance that can help support knowledge sharing and communicate best practices
Knowledge & skills
Knowledge management
Develop case studies to capture benefits and impact that have arisen from your open data releases, ensure these are widely shared
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Encourage users to share what they've achieved with the data, develop showcases or other tools to incentivise them
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Ensure that you are prioritising data releases based on feedback from users, e.g. by using a stakeholder group to guide scheduling
Community support & engagement
Open data documentation
Define a standard set of recommended metadata and documentation that accompanies your data releases
Community support & engagement
Re-user support processes
Create forums and/or other communication channels to allow reusers to contact the data publisher(s)
Community support & engagement
Re-user support processes
Ensure that you are clearly indicating the availability and type of support available to reusers of data
Community support & engagement
Re-user support processes
Routinely engage with users via multiple channels, social media, blogs, news, consider events
Strategic oversight
Asset catalogue
Ensure your data asset catalogue is populated with all of your organisation's key datasets, and publish it publicly to allow reusers to see what data you hold
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Run open data challenges or similar schemes to incentivise innovative uses of data
Knowledge & skills
Knowledge management
Create forums that will allow internal leaders to share their experience with one another, to help build relationships and foster change
Knowledge & skills
Open data expertise
Perform a needs assessment to highlight the most important open data & open innovation skills to develop in your organisation
Knowledge & skills
Open data expertise
Create a training programme to begin building open data and open innovation skills across your organisation
Community support & engagement
Engagement process
Define your ongoing metrics for success, ensuring that you're monitoring a variety of factors such as level of engagement and not just volume of data published
Strategic oversight
Open data strategy
Benchmark your open data practice against similar organisations or, internally benchmark different departments and ministries to help identify areas of improvement
Strategic oversight
Open data strategy
Identify the policy and/or strategic goals that can be achieved through better use of data, ensure that these areas are reflected in your plans and priorities
Investment & financial performance
Open data in procurement
Develop standard clauses in contracts and ITTs to ensure there is clarity around rights clearance and data re-use; review and revise existing contracts to make sure data rights are clear.
Investment & financial performance
Dataset valuation process
Introduce more quantitative ways to measure the value and return on investment associated with both the publication and re-use of datasets
Data management processes
Data release process
Publish and maintain your calendar of planned dataset releases
Data management processes
Standards development & adoption
Use standard open identifiers in your datasets to faciliate linking of datasets, creating new identifiers where none exist
Strategic oversight
Open data strategy
Consider whether individual departments or ministries within your government should publish their own open data strategies in line with the overall government strategy
Strategic oversight
Open data strategy
Review and revise your overall open data strategy in line with your current progress
Investment & financial performance
Open data in procurement
All invitations to tenders, and tenders themselves, include reference to open data where appropriate for the contract
Investment & financial performance
Dataset valuation process
Adopt one or more standard approaches for quantifying the value of data assets, and making the business case for future dataset releases and investments
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Investment & financial performance
Open data in procurement
Suggested Action
All invitations to tenders, and tenders themselves, include reference to open data where appropriate for the contract