Updates a comment on a record. API users can only update comments they have created. User mentioned is supported.
Update comment
Authentication | Personal access token, OAuth integration |
Scope | data.recordComments:write |
User role | Base commenter |
Billing plans | All plans |
string A comment ID | |||||||||||||
string A date timestamp in the ISO format, eg:"2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" | |||||||||||||
string | null A date timestamp in the ISO format, eg: | |||||||||||||
string The comment text itself. Note that this can contain the user mentioned in the text. See user mentioned for more. | |||||||||||||
optional< string > The comment ID of the parent comment, if this comment is a threaded reply. | |||||||||||||
optional< object >
| |||||||||||||
optional< array of the below object > A list of reactions on this comment. Each entry contains information about the emoji itself, along with metadata about the user who reacted.
| |||||||||||||
Request (example)
$curl -X PATCH "https://api.airtable.com/v0/{baseId}/{tableIdOrName}/{recordId}/comments/{rowCommentId}" \-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{"text": "Update, world!"}'
200 – Response (example)
{"author": {"email": "foo@bar.com","id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","name": "Foo Bar"},"createdTime": "2021-03-01T09:00:00.000Z","id": "comB5z37Mg9zaEPw6","lastUpdatedTime": "2021-04-01T09:00:00.000Z","text": "Update, world!"}
Request (example)
$curl -X PATCH "https://api.airtable.com/v0/{baseId}/{tableIdOrName}/{recordId}/comments/{rowCommentId}" \-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{"text": "Update, @[usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi]"}'
200 – Response (example)
{"author": {"email": "foo@bam.com","id": "usrsOEchC9xuwRgKk","name": "Foo Baz"},"createdTime": "2021-03-01T10:00:00.000Z","id": "comeNPu0X9K4Rxzid","lastUpdatedTime": "2022-04-01T10:00:00.000Z","mentioned": {"usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi": {"displayName": "Foo Bar","email": "foo@bar.com","id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","type": "user"}},"text": "Update, @[usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi]"}