Returns basic information relevant to both internal and external user.
Get user by id{enterpriseAccountId}/users/{userId}
Authentication | Personal access token, OAuth integration |
Scope | enterprise.user:read |
User role | Enterprise admin |
Billing plans | Enterprise (pre-2023.08 legacy plan), Enterprise Scale |
optional< array of ("collaborations" | "aggregated" | "descendants") > If specified, collaborations, aggregated, and/or descendants keys will be included in the response object. Otherwise, they will be left out. |
string A user ID | |||||||||||||
"provisioned" | "deactivated" | |||||||||||||
boolean Whether the user is a service account. | |||||||||||||
boolean Whether the user is required to authenticate through their administrating enterprise's identity provider to login. False if user is not on an enterprise. | |||||||||||||
boolean Whether the user configured a second authentication method when logging in to Airtable through username/password auth. | |||||||||||||
string | null Most recent time the user interacted with this enterprise account's data. null if never. | |||||||||||||
optional< Collaborations > The user's direct collaborations on workspaces, bases and interfaces associated with this enterprise account. Excludes collaborations from groups. | |||||||||||||
optional< string > When user was created. This field is only returned when user is internal. | |||||||||||||
optional< object > The user's values per descendant enterprise account. Only returned when the user is on a claimed domain and the enterprise account has the Enterprise Hub feature enabled.
| |||||||||||||
optional< "accessReadOnlyShareLinks" | "full" > The type of user. Only returned if the enterprise has group mappings active and only if user is internal. | |||||||||||||
optional< string | null > This field is only returned when either the inviter or the user is internal. If there is no inviter, this field is null. If user is internal but inviter is external, this field is "usrEXTERNREDACTED". | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether the user has directly assigned admin rights over this enterprise account. Only returned when
the user is on a claimed domain.
Note: if a user is a super admin but is not directly assigned admin rights over this enterprise account, this field is | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether the user is managed by this enterprise account. Only returned when the user is on a claimed domain. | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether the user has super admin rights over this enterprise account. Only returned when the user is on a claimed domain and the enterprise account has the Enterprise Hub feature enabled. | |||||||||||||
string | |||||||||||||
string | |||||||||||||
optional< object > The user's aggregated values across this enterprise account and its descendants. Only returned when the user is on a claimed domain and the enterprise account has the Enterprise Hub feature enabled.
| |||||||||||||
optional< array of the below object > This field specifies the groups associated with this enterprise account that the user belongs to. This field is only returned when the user is internal.
$curl "{enterpriseAccountId}/users/{userId}" \-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"
{"collaborations": {"baseCollaborations": [{"baseId": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","createdTime": "2019-01-03T12:33:12.421Z","grantedByUserId": "usrqccqnMB2eHylqB","permissionLevel": "edit"}],"interfaceCollaborations": [{"baseId": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","createdTime": "2019-01-03T12:33:12.421Z","grantedByUserId": "usrqccqnMB2eHylqB","interfaceId": "pbdyGA3PsOziEHPDE","permissionLevel": "edit"}],"workspaceCollaborations": [{"createdTime": "2019-01-03T12:33:12.421Z","grantedByUserId": "usrGcrteE5fUMqq0R","permissionLevel": "owner","workspaceId": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF"}]},"createdTime": "2019-01-03T12:33:12.421Z","email": "","groups": [{"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ"},{"id": "ugpR8ZT9KtIgp8Bh3"}],"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","invitedToAirtableByUserId": "usrsOEchC9xuwRgKk","isManaged": true,"isServiceAccount": false,"isSsoRequired": true,"isTwoFactorAuthEnabled": false,"lastActivityTime": "2019-01-03T12:33:12.421Z","name": "foo baz","state": "provisioned"}