Returns basic information relevant to the enterprise account.
Get enterprise{enterpriseAccountId}
Authentication | Personal access token, OAuth integration |
Scope | enterprise.account:read |
User role | Enterprise admin |
Billing plans | Enterprise (pre-2023.08 legacy plan), Enterprise Scale |
optional< array of ("aggregated" | "descendants") > If specified, aggregated and/or descendants keys will be included in the response object. Otherwise, it will be left out. |
string | |||||||
string A date timestamp in the ISO format, eg:"2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" | |||||||
string The ID of this account's root enterprise account. For accounts that are not part of an Enterprise Hub, this is the same as the account's own ID. | |||||||
optional< object > The enterprise account values per descendant enterprise account. Only returned when the enterprise account has the Enterprise Hub feature enabled.
| |||||||
array of strings A list of descendant org unit's belonging to the enterprise account. | |||||||
array of the below object A list of email domains associated to the enterprise account.
| |||||||
array of strings A list of groups that belong to the enterprise account. | |||||||
array of strings A list of users including all the collaborators of all of the enterprise account's workspaces, bases, and interfaces. | |||||||
array of strings A list of workspaces that are managed by the enterprise account. | |||||||
optional< object > The aggregated values across the enterprise account and its descendants. Only returned when the enterprise account has the Enterprise Hub feature enabled.
$curl "{enterpriseAccountId}" \-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"
{"createdTime": "2019-01-03T12:33:12.421Z","descendantEnterpriseAccountIds": ["entJ9ZQ5vz9ZQ5vz9"],"emailDomains": [{"emailDomain": "","isSsoRequired": true}],"groupIds": ["ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","ugpR8ZT9KtIgp8Bh3"],"id": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","rootEnterpriseAccountId": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","userIds": ["usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","usrsOEchC9xuwRgKk","usrGcrteE5fUMqq0R"],"workspaceIds": ["wspmhESAta6clCCwF","wspHvvm4dAktsStZH"]}