Retrieve audit log events for an enterprise. By default, this will walk all the data we're currently storing and continue walking data into the future.
Audit log events{enterpriseAccountId}/auditLogEvents
Authentication | Personal access token, OAuth integration |
Scope | enterprise.auditLogs:read |
User role | Enterprise admin |
Billing plans | Enterprise (pre-2023.08 legacy plan), Enterprise Scale |
optional< string > Earliest audit log event to retrieve (inclusive), in ISO 8601 date time format. Optional. Defaults to the beginning of the retention period, 180 days ago. | |
optional< string > Latest audit log event to retrieve (exclusive), in ISO 8601 date time format. Optional. Defaults to now. | |
optional< string | array of strings > Retrieve audit log events originating from the provided user ID or IDs (maximum 100). Optional. | |
> Retrieve audit log events falling under the provided event type or event types (maximum 100). Optional. | |
optional< string | array of strings > Retrieve audit log events taking action on, or involving, the provided model ID or IDs (maximum 100). Optional. | |
optional< number > The number of events per page. Maximum value of 1000; defaults to 10. | |
optional< "descending" | "ascending" > Sort the events by timestamp in ascending or descending order. Defaults to descending. | |
optional< string > If there are older items to retrieve, a previous is returned.
Pass the previous from a prior call to retrieve the next-oldest page of items.
You may pass the special value | |
optional< string > If there are newer items to retrieve, a next is returned.
Pass the next from a prior call to retrieve the next-newest page of items.
You may pass the special value | |
optional< "base" | "baseCollaboration" | "groups" | "role" | "share" | "user" | "twoFactorAuthentication" | "oauth" | "enterprise" | "enterpriseSettings" | "enterpriseLicenses" | "managedApps" | "components" | "publishedDataSets" | "dataTable" | "workspace" | "workspaceCollaboration" | "interface" | "standaloneForms" | "interfaceCollaboration" | "view" | "ai" | "solution" | "portal" | array of ("base" | "baseCollaboration" | "groups" | "role" | "share" | "user" | "twoFactorAuthentication" | "oauth" | "enterprise" | "enterpriseSettings" | "enterpriseLicenses" | "managedApps" | "components" | "publishedDataSets" | "dataTable" | "workspace" | "workspaceCollaboration" | "interface" | "standaloneForms" | "interfaceCollaboration" | "view" | "ai" | "solution" | "portal") > |
array of the below object Events are returned newest to oldest.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
object Contains pagination tokens (if existing).
Error responses
{"error": {"message": "Provided endTime is too far in the future","type": "INVALID_TIME_RANGE"}}
{"error": {"message": "Provided endTime is before oldest queryable time","type": "INVALID_TIME_RANGE"}}
{"error": {"message": "Maximum filter count per parameter is 100","type": "TOO_MANY_FILTERS"}}
{"error": {"message": "Maximum pageSize is 1000","type": "INVALID_PAGE_SIZE_ARGUMENT"}}
{"error": {"message": "Invalid pagination token","type": "INVALID_PAGINATION_TOKEN"}}
{"error": {"message": "Multiple pagination tokens received","type": "MULTIPLE_PAGINATION_TOKENS_RECEIVED"}}
{"error": {"message": "Pagination token is invalid for this query","type": "INVALID_PAGINATION_TOKEN"}}
{"error": {"message": "Provided startTime is in the future","type": "INVALID_TIME_RANGE"}}
{"error": {"message": "Provided startTime is too far in the past. Audit log events are stored for 180 days.","type": "INVALID_TIME_RANGE"}}
{"error": {"message": "startTime cannot be same or after endTime","type": "INVALID_TIME_RANGE"}}
$curl "{enterpriseAccountId}/auditLogEvents" \-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"
{"events": [{"action": "createBase","actor": {"type": "user","user": {"email": "","id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","name": "Jane Doe"}},"context": {"actionId": "actxr1mLqZz1T35FA","baseId": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","enterpriseAccountId": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","interfaceId": "pbdyGA3PsOziEHPDE","workspaceId": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF"},"id": "01FYFFDE39BDDBC0HWK51R6GPF","modelId": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","modelType": "base","origin": {"ipAddress": "","sessionId": "sesE3ulSADiRNhqAv","userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"},"payload": {"name": "My newly created base!"},"payloadVersion": "1.0","timestamp": "2022-02-01T21:25:05.663Z"}],"pagination": {"next": "MDFHUk5OMlM4MFhTNkY0R0M2QVlZTVZNNDQ=","previous": "MDFHUk5ITVhNMEE4UFozTlg1SlFaRlMyOFM="}}