This documents all of the currently supported audit log event types and their corresponding payload formats.
Audit log event types
- Create base(
) - Delete base(
) - Move base(
) - Duplicate base(
) - View base(
) - Restore base from snapshot(
) - Restore base from trash(
) - Download attachment(
) - Rename base(
) - Update base guide text(
) - Create a base invite link(
) - Remove a base invite link(
) - Configure base invite link(
) - Invite base collaborator(
) - Add base collaborator(
) - Change base collaborator permission(
) - Change base invite permission(
) - Uninvite base collaborator(
) - Remove base collaborator(
) - Create group(
) - Delete group(
) - Move group(
) - Add member role(
) - Change group member role(
) - Remove group member(
) - Delete group invite(
) - Resend group invite(
) - Invite group member(
) - Create role(
) - Enable share link(
) - Disable share link(
) - Configure share link(
) - Regenerate share link(
) - View share(
) - Login user(
) - Claim user(
) - Unclaim user(
) - Create user(
) - Delete user(
) - Provision user(
) - Deactivate user(
) - Update Email(
) - Change password(
) - Update profile picture(
) - User assigned license(
) - User assigned global Hub license(
) - Create service account(
) - Delete service account(
) - Move service account(
) - Accept terms of use(
) - Add two-factor authentication strategy(
) - Remove two-factor authentication strategy(
) - Set default two-factor authentication strategy(
) - Regenerate two-factor authentication backup codes(
) - Disable two-factor authentication(
) - Create OAuth access token(
) - Refresh OAuth access token(
) - Grant enterprise admin access(
) - Grant enterprise upgrader access(
) - Revoke enterprise admin access(
) - Revoke enterprise upgrader access(
) - Update enterprise name(
) - Delete enterprise stripe card(
) - Update enterprise stripe card(
) - Update enterprise payment method(
) - Update enterprise invoice memo details(
) - Create org unit(
) - Delete org unit(
) - Create enterprise eDiscovery export(
) - Update org unit connection(
) - User requested a license upgrade(
) - Admin approved a license upgrade request(
) - Admin denied a license upgrade request(
) - Change invite restrictions for an enterprise(
) - Change portal invite restrictions for an enterprise(
) - Change interface organization-wide sharing restrictions for an enterprise(
) - Change global share restrictions for an enterprise(
) - Change group creation restrictions for an enterprise(
) - Change extension configuration restrictions for an enterprise(
) - Change data retention policy for an enterprise(
) - Change AI restriction policy for an enterprise(
) - Change MFA policy for an enterprise(
) - Change enterprise license upgrade request configuration(
) - Lock grid setting(
) - Change enterprise HyperDB installation restrictions(
) - Change enterprise colors(
) - Change enterprise terms of use configuration(
) - Create managed app(
) - Create component(
) - Delete managed app(
) - Delete component(
) - Publish managed app(
) - Publish component(
) - Rename managed app(
) - Rename component(
) - Add managed app audience member(
) - Add component audience member(
) - Remove managed app audience member(
) - Remove component audience member(
) - Add managed app collaborator(
) - Add component collaborator(
) - Change managed app collaborator permission(
) - Change component collaborator permission(
) - Remove managed app collaborator(
) - Remove component collaborator(
) - Publish data set(
) - Change data set name(
) - Unpublish a data set(
) - Update published data set owner(
) - Update published data set audiences(
) - Update published data set verification status(
) - Deactivate published data set(
) - Reactivate published data set(
) - Create workspace(
) - Delete workspace(
) - Restore workspace from trash(
) - Rename workspace(
) - Move workspace(
) - Change workspace sharing restrictions(
) - Create workspace invite link(
) - Configure workspace invite link(
) - Remove workspace invite link(
) - Change workspace AI permissions(
) - Invite workspace collaborator(
) - Add workspace collaborator(
) - Change workspace collaborator permission(
) - Change workspace invite permission(
) - Uninvite workspace collaborator(
) - Remove workspace collaborator(
) - Create interface(
) - Delete interface(
) - Restore interface from trash(
) - Duplicate Interface(
) - View interface(
) - Rename interface(
) - Publish interface(
) - Unpublish interface(
) - View form(
) - Publish form(
) - Unpublish form(
) - Configure form sharing settings(
) - Invite interface collaborator(
) - Add interface collaborator(
) - Change interface collaborator permission(
) - Change interface invite permission(
) - Uninvite interface collaborator(
) - Remove interface collaborator(
) - Change interface organization-wide sharing permission(
) - Download CSV(
) - Moderate AI content(
Payload Version
{"name": "My New Base"}
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base"}
Move baseEvent type:moveBase
A base was moved.
Event type:moveBase
A base was moved.
string The name of the moved base | |||||||||||||
object The previous workspace and enterprise account.
| |||||||||||||
object The current workspace and enterprise account.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","previous": {"workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "Previous Workspace"}},"current": {"workspace": {"id": "wspHvvm4dAktsStZH","name": "Current Workspace"},"enterpriseAccount": {"id": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","name": "Current Enterprise Account"}}}
Duplicate baseEvent type:duplicateBase
A base was duplicated.
Event type:duplicateBase
A base was duplicated.
object The previous workspace and enterprise account.
| |||||||||||||||||||
object The current workspace and enterprise account.
Payload Version
{"previous": {"application": {"id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","name": "Monthly budgeting"},"workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "Family Workspace"}},"current": {"application": {"id": "appSW9R5uCNmRmfl6","name": "Monthly budgeting copy"},"workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "Family Workspace"}}}
View baseEvent type:viewBase
A base was viewed. This includes viewing a base, table, view or record. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/base combination.
Event type:viewBase
A base was viewed. This includes viewing a base, table, view or record. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/base combination.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base"}
Restore base from snapshotEvent type:restoreBaseFromSnapshot
A base was restored from a snapshot.
Event type:restoreBaseFromSnapshot
A base was restored from a snapshot.
Payload Version
{"id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","name": "My Base","workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "My Workspace"}}
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "My Workspace"}}
Download attachmentEvent type:downloadAttachment
An attachment download was initiated.
Event type:downloadAttachment
An attachment download was initiated.
string The attachment file type. | |||||
string | |||||
object Table from which the attachment was downloaded.
| |||||
object Field from which the attachment was downloaded.
| |||||
object Record from which the attachment was downloaded.
Payload Version
{"filename": "image.png","type": "image/png","table": {"id": "tblqanjXyxwWrvkUm","name": "Table name"},"field": {"id": "fldnub6EOKobEpdGx","name": "Attachments"},"record": {"id": "recqrHTqPZOc8mlWW"}}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"name": "Previous base name"},"current": {"name": "New base name"}}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"guideText": "Previous base guide text"},"current": {"guideText": "New base guide text"}}
Create a base invite linkEvent type:addBaseInviteLink
An invite link for a base was created.
Event type:addBaseInviteLink
An invite link for a base was created.
string The URL of the invite link | |||||
"read" | "comment" | "edit" | "create" The permission level a user would be granted when accepting this invite | |||||
array of strings The email domain restrictions assigned to the invite link. When | |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this invite link. This factors in the invite link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide invite link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to accept this invite link. When | |||||
Payload Version
{"url": "","permissionLevel": "comment","restrictedToEmailDomains": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": ["",""],"base": {"name": "My base","id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG"}}
Remove a base invite linkEvent type:removeBaseInviteLink
An invite link for a base was removed.
Event type:removeBaseInviteLink
An invite link for a base was removed.
string The URL of the invite link | |||||
"read" | "comment" | "edit" | "create" The permission level a user would be granted when accepting this invite | |||||
array of strings The email domain restrictions assigned to the invite link. When | |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this invite link. This factors in the invite link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide invite link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to accept this invite link. When | |||||
Payload Version
{"url": "","permissionLevel": "comment","restrictedToEmailDomains": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": ["",""],"base": {"name": "My base","id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG"}}
Configure base invite linkEvent type:configureBaseInviteLink
A base invite link's configuration was changed.
Event type:configureBaseInviteLink
A base invite link's configuration was changed.
optional< string > The URL of the invite link | |||||||||
optional< "read" | "comment" | "edit" | "create" > The permission level a user would be granted when accepting this invite | |||||||||
object The properties of the invite link configuration before these changes were applied
| |||||||||
object The properties of the invite link configuration after these changes were applied
| |||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domain restrictions assigned to the invite link. When | |||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domains effectively allowed to access this invite link. This factors in the invite link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide invite link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to accept this invite link. When | |||||||||
Payload Version
{"url": "","restrictedToEmailDomains": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": ["",""],"previous": {"permissionLevel": "comment"},"current": {"permissionLevel": "edit"},"base": {"name": "My base","id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG"}}
Invite base collaboratorEvent type:inviteBaseCollaborator
A user was invited to collaborate on a base.
Event type:inviteBaseCollaborator
A user was invited to collaborate on a base.
string The name of the base to which this user was invited | |||||||||
object The user invited as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","user": {"email": "","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Add base collaboratorEvent type:addBaseCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a base.
Event type:addBaseCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a base.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator added to the base | |||||||||
string The name of the base to which this user was added | |||||||||
object The user added as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Change base collaborator permissionEvent type:changeBaseCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a base was changed.
Event type:changeBaseCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a base was changed.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator whose permission on the base was changed. | |||||||
string The name of the base on which this user's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose direct permission on the base was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
"group" The type of collaborator whose permission on the base was changed. | |||||
string The name of the base on which this group's permission was changed. | |||||
object The group whose direct permission on the base was changed.
| |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob"},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "comment"}}}
Change base invite permissionEvent type:changeBaseInvitePermission
The permission a user will receive on a base when they accept the associated invite was changed.
Event type:changeBaseInvitePermission
The permission a user will receive on a base when they accept the associated invite was changed.
string The name of the base on which this invite's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose invited permission on the base was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","user": {"email": ""},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "comment"}}}
Uninvite base collaboratorEvent type:uninviteBaseCollaborator
A user was uninvited from a base.
Event type:uninviteBaseCollaborator
A user was uninvited from a base.
string The name of the base from which this user was uninvited | |||||||||
object The user uninvited from the base.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","user": {"email": "","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Remove base collaboratorEvent type:removeBaseCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a base.
Event type:removeBaseCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a base.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator removed from the base | |||||||||
string The name of the base from which this user was removed | |||||||||
object The user removed from the base.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Base","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome New Group"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Deleted Group"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Group","previous": {"id": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","name": "Previous Enterprise Account"},"current": {"id": "entWUuXRJs5lGKuot","name": "Current Enterprise Account"}}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Group","user": {"id": "usrcGuHdvFtT63Tz5","name": "Questin Umpleby","email": "","role": "manager"}}
Change group member roleEvent type:changeGroupMemberRole
A user's role within a group was changed.
Event type:changeGroupMemberRole
A user's role within a group was changed.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Group","user": {"id": "usrcGuHdvFtT63Tz5","name": "Questin Umpleby","email": ""},"previous": {"user": {"role": "manager"}},"current": {"user": {"role": "member"}}}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Group","user": {"id": "usrcGuHdvFtT63Tz5","name": "Questin Umpleby","email": "","role": "manager"}}
Delete group inviteEvent type:deleteGroupInvite
An invitation to join a user group was deleted.
Event type:deleteGroupInvite
An invitation to join a user group was deleted.
Payload Version
{"email": "","referrerUser": {"email": "","id": "usr5552HdvtT659X4","name": "Questin Umpleby"},"originatingUser": {"email": "","id": "usr555uT6FtT63Tz5","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Payload Version
{"email": "","referrerUser": {"email": "","id": "usr5552HdvtT659X4","name": "Questin Umpleby"},"originatingUser": {"email": "","id": "usr555uT6FtT63Tz5","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Invite group memberEvent type:inviteGroupMember
A user was invited to join a group.
Event type:inviteGroupMember
A user was invited to join a group.
string The name of the group to which the user was invited | |||||||||
object The inviting user
| |||||||||
object The invited user
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Group","referrerUser": {"email": "","id": "usr5552HdvtT659X4","name": "Questin Umpleby"},"user": {"email": "","role": "member"}}
Create roleEvent type:createRole
A new role was created.
Event type:createRole
A new role was created.
string The name of the created role. | |||
"admin" The type of the created role. | |||
array of the below object The permissions of the created role.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Role","roleType": "admin","permissionTypes": [{"permissionType": "adminSettingsIntegrationsManage"}]}
Enable share linkEvent type:enableShare
A share link was enabled.
Event type:enableShare
A share link was enabled.
any of the below objects
"view" The type of share | |||||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||||
object The shared view.
| |||||||
object The view's table
| |||||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"base" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared base.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"extension" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared extension.
| |||||
object The extension's base.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"page" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared page.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
Payload Version
{"type": "view","url": "","shouldAllowCopy": false,"shouldShowExtensions": true,"isPasswordProtected": false,"restrictEmailDomainTo": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": [""],"view": {"id": "viwMPdu7I2siHHW6U","name": "Grid view","type": "grid"},"table": {"id": "tblqanjXyxwWrvkUm","name": "Table name"},"restrictedToEnterpriseMembers": false}
Disable share linkEvent type:disableShare
A share link was disabled.
Event type:disableShare
A share link was disabled.
any of the below objects
"view" The type of share | |||||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||||
object The shared view.
| |||||||
object The view's table
| |||||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"base" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared base.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"extension" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared extension.
| |||||
object The extension's base.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"page" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared page.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
Payload Version
{"type": "view","url": "","shouldAllowCopy": false,"shouldShowExtensions": true,"isPasswordProtected": false,"restrictEmailDomainTo": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": [""],"view": {"id": "viwMPdu7I2siHHW6U","name": "Grid view","type": "grid"},"table": {"id": "tblqanjXyxwWrvkUm","name": "Table name"},"restrictedToEnterpriseMembers": false}
Configure share linkEvent type:configureShare
A share link's configuration was changed.
Event type:configureShare
A share link's configuration was changed.
any of the below objects
"view" The type of share | |||||||||||||
string The URL of the shared view link | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||||||||||
optional< string > If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||||||||||
object The shared view.
| |||||||||||||
object The view's table
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration before these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration after these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"base" The type of share | |||||||||||||
string The URL of the shared base link | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||||||||||
optional< string > If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||||||||||
object The shared base.
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration before these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration after these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"extension" The type of share | |||||||||||||
string The URL of the shared extension link | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||||||||||
optional< string > If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||||||||||
object The shared extension.
| |||||||||||||
object The extension's base.
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration before these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration after these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"page" The type of share | |||||||||||||
string The URL of the shared page link | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||||||||||
optional< string > If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||||||||||
optional< boolean > If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||||||||||
object The shared page.
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration before these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
object The properties of the share configuration after these changes were applied
| |||||||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
Payload Version
{"type": "base","url": "","shouldShowExtensions": true,"isPasswordProtected": false,"restrictedToEnterpriseMembers": false,"current": {"shouldAllowCopy": true,"restrictEmailDomainTo": "","effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": [""]},"previous": {"shouldAllowCopy": false,"restrictEmailDomainTo": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": ["",""]},"base": {"id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","name": "My Shared Base"}}
Regenerate share linkEvent type:regenerateShare
A share link was regenerated.
Event type:regenerateShare
A share link was regenerated.
any of the below objects
"view" The type of share | |||||||||||||||||
object The shared view.
| |||||||||||||||||
object The view's table
| |||||||||||||||||
object The old share and its properties
| |||||||||||||||||
object The new, regenerated share link
"base" The type of share | |||||||||||||||||
object The shared base.
| |||||||||||||||||
object The old share and its properties
| |||||||||||||||||
object The new, regenerated share link
"extension" The type of share | |||||||||||||||||
object The shared extension.
| |||||||||||||||||
object The extension's base.
| |||||||||||||||||
object The old share and its properties
| |||||||||||||||||
object The new, regenerated share link
"page" The type of share | |||||||||||||||||
object The shared page.
| |||||||||||||||||
object The old share and its properties
| |||||||||||||||||
object The new, regenerated share link
Payload Version
{"type": "base","base": {"id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG","name": "My Shared Base"},"previous": {"id": "shr9SpczJvQpfAzSp","url": "","shouldAllowCopy": false,"shouldShowExtensions": true,"isPasswordProtected": false,"restrictEmailDomainTo": "","effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": [""],"restrictedToEnterpriseMembers": false},"current": {"id": "shrMg5vs9SpczJvQp","url": "","shouldAllowCopy": false,"shouldShowExtensions": true,"isPasswordProtected": false,"restrictEmailDomainTo": "","effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": [""],"restrictedToEnterpriseMembers": false}}
View shareEvent type:viewShare
A share was viewed. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/view combination. Events are emitted for logged-in and logged-out users.
Event type:viewShare
A share was viewed. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/view combination. Events are emitted for logged-in and logged-out users.
any of the below objects
"view" The type of share | |||||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||||
object The shared view.
| |||||||
object The view's table
| |||||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"base" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared base.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"extension" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared extension.
| |||||
object The extension's base.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
"page" The type of share | |||||
string The URL of the share link | |||||
boolean Whether viewers should be allowed to copy data out of the share | |||||
boolean Whether extensions added to this share should be shown | |||||
boolean Whether access to this share link is password protected | |||||
string If non-empty, the email domain restriction assigned to the share. If empty, no domain restrictions are assigned to the share, but higher level ones may affect it. We recommend using effectiveEmailDomainAllowList to understand share accessibility. | |||||
boolean If true, this share is only accessible by members of the enterprise account. This works in conjunction with | |||||
object The shared page.
| |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this share link. This factors in the share link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide share link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this share link. When |
Payload Version
{"type": "view","url": "","shouldAllowCopy": false,"shouldShowExtensions": true,"isPasswordProtected": false,"restrictEmailDomainTo": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": [""],"view": {"id": "viwMPdu7I2siHHW6U","name": "Grid view","type": "grid"},"table": {"id": "tblqanjXyxwWrvkUm","name": "Table name"},"restrictedToEnterpriseMembers": false}
Payload Version
{"method": "sso"}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}
Unclaim userEvent type:unclaimUser
A user was unclaimed (not to be managed) by this enterprise account.
Event type:unclaimUser
A user was unclaimed (not to be managed) by this enterprise account.
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"email": ""},"current": {"email": ""}}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}
Update profile pictureEvent type:updateUserProfilePicture
A user updated their profile picture.
Event type:updateUserProfilePicture
A user updated their profile picture.
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "John Doe","previous": {"profilePictureUrl": ""},"current": {"profilePictureUrl": ""}}
User assigned licenseEvent type:userAssignedLicense
A user was assigned a license by an admin, a user group, or by performing an action resulting in a license upgrade.
Event type:userAssignedLicense
A user was assigned a license by an admin, a user group, or by performing an action resulting in a license upgrade.
Payload Version
{"license": "editor","reason": "adminAssigned"}
User assigned global Hub licenseEvent type:userAssignedGridGlobalLicense
A user was assigned a global Hub license by a super admin, impacting all org units where the user has a license.
Event type:userAssignedGridGlobalLicense
A user was assigned a global Hub license by a super admin, impacting all org units where the user has a license.
"editor" | "contributor" | "builder" | "portalEditor" | "viewer" | "viewerRestricted" | |
"adminAssigned" | "acquiredPermissionToWorkspace" | "acquiredPermissionToBase" | "acquiredPermissionToInterface" | "upgradedBasedOnPageBundleAction" | "upgradedBasedOnApplicationAction" | "upgradedBasedOnWorkspaceAction" | "initialEmptyLicenseAssignedForExistingSkpBeforeAutoUpgrade" | "basedOnPermissionHeldWhenInitialLicenseWasAssigned" | "initialEmptyLicenseAssignedForExistingEditorLicenseModelBeforeAutoUpgrade" | "consolidatedToEditorLicenseFromBuilderContributor" | |
array of strings |
Payload Version
{"license": "viewer","reason": "adminAssigned","enterpriseAccountIdsAffected": ["entEEnPbptK123456"]}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Service Account"}
Payload Version
{"email": "","name": "Service Account"}
Move service accountEvent type:moveServiceAccount
A service account was moved between accounts.
Event type:moveServiceAccount
A service account was moved between accounts.
Payload Version
{"name": "Service Account","email": "","previous": {"id": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","name": "Previous Enterprise Account"},"current": {"id": "entWUuXRJs5lGKuot","name": "Current Enterprise Account"}}
Accept terms of useEvent type:acceptTermsOfUse
A user accepted an enterprise account's terms of use.
Event type:acceptTermsOfUse
A user accepted an enterprise account's terms of use.
An empty object
Payload Version
Add two-factor authentication strategyEvent type:addTwoFactorAuthenticationStrategy
A user added a new two-factor authentication strategy to their account.
Event type:addTwoFactorAuthenticationStrategy
A user added a new two-factor authentication strategy to their account.
Payload Version
{"type": "sms","user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Remove two-factor authentication strategyEvent type:removeTwoFactorAuthenticationStrategy
A user removed a two-factor authentication strategy from their account.
Event type:removeTwoFactorAuthenticationStrategy
A user removed a two-factor authentication strategy from their account.
Payload Version
{"type": "sms","user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Set default two-factor authentication strategyEvent type:setDefaultTwoFactorAuthenticationStrategy
A user chose a default two-factor authentication strategy.
Event type:setDefaultTwoFactorAuthenticationStrategy
A user chose a default two-factor authentication strategy.
Payload Version
{"type": "phoneCall","user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Regenerate two-factor authentication backup codesEvent type:regenerateTwoFactorAuthenticationBackupCodes
A user regenerated their two-factor authentication backup codes.
Event type:regenerateTwoFactorAuthenticationBackupCodes
A user regenerated their two-factor authentication backup codes.
Payload Version
{"user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Disable two-factor authenticationEvent type:disableTwoFactorAuthentication
A user completely disabled two-factor authentication for their account.
Event type:disableTwoFactorAuthentication
A user completely disabled two-factor authentication for their account.
Payload Version
{"user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Create OAuth access tokenEvent type:createOauthAccessToken
A user authorized an OAuth integration, granting the integration an API access token.
Event type:createOauthAccessToken
A user authorized an OAuth integration, granting the integration an API access token.
Payload Version
{"oauthIntegration": {"name": "Example OAuth integration","clientId": "677907f7-3405-4900-9899-6aed15cdda6e"},"scopes": ["data.records:read","data.records:write"]}
Refresh OAuth access tokenEvent type:refreshOauthAccessToken
An OAuth integration previously authorized by a user refreshed their access tokens, renewing their API access.
Event type:refreshOauthAccessToken
An OAuth integration previously authorized by a user refreshed their access tokens, renewing their API access.
| |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"oauthIntegration": {"name": "Example OAuth integration","clientId": "677907f7-3405-4900-9899-6aed15cdda6e"},"previous": {"scopes": ["data.records:read","data.records:write"]},"current": {"scopes": ["data.records:read","data.records:write"]}}
Grant enterprise admin accessEvent type:grantEnterpriseAdminAccess
Admin access was granted to a user.
Event type:grantEnterpriseAdminAccess
Admin access was granted to a user.
object The user granted admin access.
| |||||||||||
optional< array of the below object > The admin roles granted to the user.
Admin role granted to the user.
Payload Version
{"user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"},"roles": [{"id": "rol1h7cOflUSHYcCH","roleType": "admin","managedRoleType": "adminFull","name": "Role name","permissionTypes": ["adminFullPermissions"]}]}
Grant enterprise upgrader accessEvent type:grantEnterpriseUpgraderAccess
Upgrader access was granted to a user.
Event type:grantEnterpriseUpgraderAccess
Upgrader access was granted to a user.
Payload Version
{"user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Revoke enterprise admin accessEvent type:revokeEnterpriseAdminAccess
Admin access was revoked from a user.
Event type:revokeEnterpriseAdminAccess
Admin access was revoked from a user.
object The user with revoked admin access.
| |||||||||||
optional< array of the below object > The admin roles granted to the user.
Admin role granted to the user.
Payload Version
{"user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"},"roles": [{"id": "rol1h7cOflUSHYcCH","roleType": "admin","managedRoleType": "adminFull","name": "Role name","permissionTypes": ["adminFullPermissions"]}]}
Revoke enterprise upgrader accessEvent type:revokeEnterpriseUpgraderAccess
Upgrader access was revoked from a user.
Event type:revokeEnterpriseUpgraderAccess
Upgrader access was revoked from a user.
Payload Version
{"user": {"id": "usrwz9oy2faX6CPRV","email": "","name": "Clifford Radicchio"}}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"name": "Previous-enterprise-name"},"current": {"name": "Current-enterprise-name"}}
Delete enterprise stripe cardEvent type:deleteEnterpriseStripeCard
An enterprise stripe card was deleted.
Event type:deleteEnterpriseStripeCard
An enterprise stripe card was deleted.
Payload Version
{"stripeCustomerId": "cus_Cutg3jPljaBrC8","stripeCardId": "card_1N5JFjGqPjJ0Sj6HY0NvYgRy"}
Update enterprise stripe cardEvent type:updateEnterpriseStripeCard
An enterprise stripe card was updated.
Event type:updateEnterpriseStripeCard
An enterprise stripe card was updated.
Payload Version
{"stripeCustomerId": "cus_Cutg3jPljaBrC8"}
Update enterprise payment methodEvent type:updateEnterprisePaymentMethod
An enterprise payment method was updated.
Event type:updateEnterprisePaymentMethod
An enterprise payment method was updated.
Payload Version
{"stripeCustomerId": "cus_Cutg3jPljaBrC8"}
Update enterprise invoice memo detailsEvent type:updateEnterpriseInvoiceDetails
Enterprise memo details have been updated for all future invoices.
Event type:updateEnterpriseInvoiceDetails
Enterprise memo details have been updated for all future invoices.
Payload Version
{"previous": {"invoiceDetails": {"address": "Previous-invoice-memo-address","footer": "Previous-invoice-memo-footer","taxCode": "Previous-invoice-memo-tax-code"}},"current": {"invoiceDetails": {"address": "Current-invoice-memo-address","footer": "Current-invoice-memo-footer","taxCode": "Current-invoice-memo-tax-code"}}}
Payload Version
{"name": "New Enterprise Account Org Unit","parentEnterpriseAccount": {"id": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","name": "Parent Enterprise Account"}}
Payload Version
{"name": "Enterprise Account Org Unit"}
Create enterprise eDiscovery exportEvent type:createEdiscoveryExport
An enterprise eDiscovery export was created
Event type:createEdiscoveryExport
An enterprise eDiscovery export was created
Payload Version
{"base": {"name": "My base","id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG"}}
Update org unit connectionEvent type:updateOrgUnitConnection
Org unit connection to user groups was updated.
Event type:updateOrgUnitConnection
Org unit connection to user groups was updated.
Payload Version
{"previous": {"connectedUserGroups": ["ugpVkI4ekrHfSP0xx","ugpVkI4ekrHfSP0yy"]},"current": {"connectedUserGroups": ["ugpOjyHm01InnGQYV"]}}
User requested a license upgradeEvent type:requestLicenseUpgrade
A user requested a license upgrade in this enterprise account.
Event type:requestLicenseUpgrade
A user requested a license upgrade in this enterprise account.
Payload Version
{"sourceModelId": "appEEnPbptK123456","sourceApplicationId": "appEEnPbptK123456"}
Admin approved a license upgrade requestEvent type:approveLicenseUpgradeRequest
An admin approved a license upgrade request in this enterprise account.
Event type:approveLicenseUpgradeRequest
An admin approved a license upgrade request in this enterprise account.
Payload Version
{"userGroupId": "ugpQ7PJ2boxzMAKFU","affectedEnterpriseAccountIds": ["entEEnPbptK123456"]}
Admin denied a license upgrade requestEvent type:denyLicenseUpgradeRequest
An admin denied a license upgrade request in this enterprise account.
Event type:denyLicenseUpgradeRequest
An admin denied a license upgrade request in this enterprise account.
An empty object
Payload Version
Change invite restrictions for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseInviteRestrictions
Restrictions on what users can be invited to content that the enterprise owns
Event type:changeEnterpriseInviteRestrictions
Restrictions on what users can be invited to content that the enterprise owns
optional< "unrestricted" | "restrictedToEnterpriseAccountEmailDomains" | "restrictedToEnterpriseAccountMembers" > The invite restriction type enabled for the enterprise account | |||||
array of strings Email domains currently associated with the enterprise account. | |||||
optional< array of strings > Email domains of the user accounts that may be invited to collaborate on the enterprise's assets. If email domain invite restrictions are not enabled, this field will not be present. | |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"emailDomains": ["",""],"previous": {"restrictionType": "unrestricted"},"current": {"restrictionType": "restrictedToEnterpriseAccountEmailDomains","allowedEmailDomains": [""]}}
Change portal invite restrictions for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterprisePortalInviteRestrictions
Restrictions on what users can be invited to portals that the enterprise owns
Event type:changeEnterprisePortalInviteRestrictions
Restrictions on what users can be invited to portals that the enterprise owns
optional< "unrestricted" | "restrictedToEnterpriseAccountEmailDomains" | "disabled" > The invite restriction type enabled for the portals in the enterprise account | |||||
array of strings Email domains currently associated with the enterprise account. | |||||
optional< array of strings > Email domains of the user accounts that may be invited to collaborate on the enterprise's portals. If email domain invite restrictions are not enabled, this field will not be present. | |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"emailDomains": ["",""],"previous": {"restrictionType": "unrestricted"},"current": {"restrictionType": "restrictedToEnterpriseAccountEmailDomains","allowedEmailDomains": [""]}}
Change interface organization-wide sharing restrictions for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseInterfaceOrgWideSharingRestrictions
Restriction on whether creators should be able to share interfaces with the entire organization
Event type:changeEnterpriseInterfaceOrgWideSharingRestrictions
Restriction on whether creators should be able to share interfaces with the entire organization
Payload Version
{"previous": {"isInterfaceOrgWideSharingRestrictionEnabled": false},"current": {"isInterfaceOrgWideSharingRestrictionEnabled": true}}
Change global share restrictions for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseGlobalShareRestrictions
Restrictions on share link access from users outside of the enterprise's own email domains and syncing shared views with other bases has been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseGlobalShareRestrictions
Restrictions on share link access from users outside of the enterprise's own email domains and syncing shared views with other bases has been changed.
optional< "unrestricted" | "restrictedOptional" | "restricted" | "membersOnlyRestricted" > The restriction type set for global share restrictions | |||||||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether password-protected share links are exempt from any share restrictions | |||||||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether shared forms are exempt from any share restrictions | |||||||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether shares that were previously unrestricted stay unrestricted when setting the share restriction type to "Restricted Optional" | |||||||||||||||||
optional< "unrestricted" | "restrictedToEnterprise" | "restrictedToEnterpriseGrid" | "syncOff" > The restriction type that determines share restrictions for external table syncs from share links, applied in addition to any global share restrictions | |||||||||||||||||
optional< "anyUser" | "hasCreatorPermissionOrIsAdmin" | "onlyAdmins" > Which users are allowed to toggle external sync restrictions for a share link when share restrictions for external table syncs are restricted to the enterprise | |||||||||||||||||
optional< boolean > Whether creating new public page bundle pages is disabled | |||||||||||||||||
array of strings Email domains currently associated with the enterprise account. | |||||||||||||||||
optional< array of strings > User accounts with email addresses of these email domains are exempt from any share restrictions | |||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
Payload Version
{"emailDomains": ["",""],"previous": {"restrictionType": "unrestricted"},"current": {"restrictionType": "restricted","isPasswordProtectedShareExemptFromRestriction": false,"isSharedFormExemptFromRestriction": false,"emailDomainsExemptFromRestriction": [""]}}
Change group creation restrictions for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseGroupCreateRestrictions
Restrictions on whether all users or only admins can create and modify groups have been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseGroupCreateRestrictions
Restrictions on whether all users or only admins can create and modify groups have been changed.
Payload Version
{"previous": {"role": "everyone"},"current": {"role": "onlyAdmins"}}
Change extension configuration restrictions for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseExtensionConfigurationRestrictions
Restrictions on the use of extensions within the bases owned by the enterprise have been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseExtensionConfigurationRestrictions
Restrictions on the use of extensions within the bases owned by the enterprise have been changed.
optional< object > Restrictions placed on the use of first-party extensions created by Airtable and created by Airtable partners
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
optional< object > Restrictions placed on the use of third-party extensions within Airtable's marketplace
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
optional< object > Restrictions placed on whether users of the enterprise may develop custom extensions, write scripts, and install scripts from the marketplace
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Payload Version
{"thirdPartySettings": {"restrictionType": "allowAll"},"developmentSettings": {"isDevelopmentRestrictionEnabled": false},"previous": {"firstPartyAndPartnerSettings": {"restrictionType": "denyAll","allowlistedExtensions": [{"id": "blkSmwFJEdER6oksM","name": "Test extension"}]}},"current": {"firstPartyAndPartnerSettings": {"restrictionType": "allowAll"}}}
Change data retention policy for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseDataRetentionPolicy
Data retention policy for the enterprise have been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseDataRetentionPolicy
Data retention policy for the enterprise have been changed.
optional< integer > The retention period for the revision history and snapshots. Null value means infinite retention. | |||||||||||||||
optional< integer > The retention period for deleted bases in Trash. | |||||||||||||||
optional< integer > The number of days of inactivity that a base is considered inactive and eligible for deletion. Null when inactive base pruning is disabled. | |||||||||||||||
optional< object > The ahead-in-time notification setting for base owners who have upcoming inactive bases. Null when the inactive base pruning is disabled.
| |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Payload Version
{"revisionHistoryRetentionInDays": 1095,"deletedBaseInTrashRetentionInDays": 30,"previous": {"baseInactiveInDays": 1095,"inactiveBaseNotificationTimeSetting": {"notify30DaysAhead": true,"notify60DaysAhead": true,"notify90DaysAhead": true}},"current": {"baseInactiveInDays": 730,"inactiveBaseNotificationTimeSetting": {"notify30DaysAhead": true,"notify60DaysAhead": false,"notify90DaysAhead": true}}}
Change AI restriction policy for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseAiRestrictionPolicy
Restrictions on the use of AI within the enterprise have been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseAiRestrictionPolicy
Restrictions on the use of AI within the enterprise have been changed.
object The AI restriction policy for an enterprise before being changed
| |||||||||||||
object The AI restriction policy for an enterprise after being changed
Payload Version
{"previous": {"isAiEnabled": true,"aiWorkspaceRestrictionPolicy": "allWorkspaces","allowedAiModelProviders": ["openAi"],"allowedAiModelCreatorsByAiModelProvider": {"openAi": ["openAi"]}},"current": {"isAiEnabled": true,"aiWorkspaceRestrictionPolicy": "specifiedWorkspaces","allowedWorkspaces": ["wspmhESAta6clCCwF"],"allowedAiModelProviders": ["anthropic"],"allowedAiModelCreatorsByAiModelProvider": {"amazonBedrock": ["anthropic"]}}}
Change MFA policy for an enterpriseEvent type:changeEnterpriseMfaPolicy
The MFA policy for the enterprise has been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseMfaPolicy
The MFA policy for the enterprise has been changed.
Payload Version
{"previous": {"mfaPolicyType": "optional"},"current": {"mfaPolicyType": "requiredForMembers"}}
Change enterprise license upgrade request configurationEvent type:changeEnterpriseLicenseUpgradeRequestConfig
The configuration for enterprise license upgrade requests has been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseLicenseUpgradeRequestConfig
The configuration for enterprise license upgrade requests has been changed.
| |||||||||
Payload Version
{"previous": null,"current": {"title": "Request upgrade","message": "Request license upgrade","defaultConfig": {"type": "inApp"}}}
Lock grid settingEvent type:updateSettingLock
An enterprise grid setting was locked
Event type:updateSettingLock
An enterprise grid setting was locked
"adminCustomizedHelpMessage" | "aiRestrictionPolicy" | "airtableToGoogleDriveIntegrationRestriction" | "apiAccessRestriction" | "packageLibraryRestriction" | "attachmentUploadRestriction" | "blockDevelopmentRestriction" | "emailAndApiSyncRestriction" | "emailSyncRestriction" | "apiSyncRestriction" | "firstPartyBlockRestriction" | "groupCreateByRole" | "integrationExternalAccountConfigs" | "integrationsAutomationsExternalSyncAiRestriction" | "inviteRestriction" | "membershipCaptureType" | "oauthRestriction" | "organizationLogo" | "organizationName" | "publishedDatasetPublisherPolicy" | "shareWithAudienceRestriction" | "shareRestriction" | "slackLinkUnfurlingRestriction" | "syncRestriction" | "thirdPartyBlockRestriction" | "dataRetentionPolicy" | "hipaaCompliance" | "dataTableInstallationRestriction" | "colors" | "portalInviteRestriction" | |||
| |||
Payload Version
{"setting": "shareRestriction","previous": {"locked": true},"current": {"locked": true}}
Change enterprise HyperDB installation restrictionsEvent type:changeDataTableInstallationRestrictions
The setting for enterprise HyperDB installation restricions has been changed.
Event type:changeDataTableInstallationRestrictions
The setting for enterprise HyperDB installation restricions has been changed.
Payload Version
{"previous": "restrictedToEnterprise","current": "restrictedToEnterpriseGrid"}
Change enterprise colorsEvent type:changeEnterpriseColors
The setting for enterprise colors has been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseColors
The setting for enterprise colors has been changed.
Payload Version
{"previous": [{"id": "ecoUBq2RGdihxl3vU","isDarkOverride": null,"name": "My Color","value": "#666666"}],"current": [{"id": "ecoUBq2RGdihxl3vU","isDarkOverride": null,"name": "My Color","value": "#663399"}]}
Change enterprise terms of use configurationEvent type:changeEnterpriseTermsOfUseOptions
The configuration for enterprise terms of use has been changed.
Event type:changeEnterpriseTermsOfUseOptions
The configuration for enterprise terms of use has been changed.
Payload Version
{"previous": null,"current": {"isDefaultConfigEnabled": true,"useDifferentConfigForExternalUsers": false}}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component"}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"name": "Previous app name"},"current": {"name": "New app name"}}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"name": "Previous component name"},"current": {"name": "New component name"}}
Add managed app audience memberEvent type:addManagedAppAudienceMember
An audience member was added to a managed app.
Event type:addManagedAppAudienceMember
An audience member was added to a managed app.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of audience member added to the audience. | |||||||
string The name of the managed app to whose audience this user was added. | |||||||
object The user added as an audience member.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group"}}
Add component audience memberEvent type:addComponentAudienceMember
An audience member was added to a component.
Event type:addComponentAudienceMember
An audience member was added to a component.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of audience member added to the audience. | |||||||
string The name of the component to to whose audience this user was added. | |||||||
object The user added as an audience member.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group"}}
Remove managed app audience memberEvent type:removeManagedAppAudienceMember
An audience member was removed from a managed app.
Event type:removeManagedAppAudienceMember
An audience member was removed from a managed app.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of audience member removed from the audience. | |||||||
string The name of the managed app from whose audience this user was removed | |||||||
object The user removed from the audience.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group"}}
Remove component audience memberEvent type:removeComponentAudienceMember
An audience member was removed from a component.
Event type:removeComponentAudienceMember
An audience member was removed from a component.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of audience member removed from the audience | |||||||
string The name of the component from whose audience this user was removed | |||||||
object The user removed from the audience.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group"}}
Add managed app collaboratorEvent type:addManagedAppCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a managed app.
Event type:addManagedAppCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a managed app.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator added to the managed app. | |||||||||
string The name of the managed app to which this user was added. | |||||||||
object The user added as a collaborator.
"group" The type of collaborator added to the managed app. | |||||||
string The name of the managed app to which this group was added. | |||||||
object The group added as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group","permissionLevel": "read"}}
Add component collaboratorEvent type:addComponentCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a component.
Event type:addComponentCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a component.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator added to the component. | |||||||||
string The name of the component to which this user was added. | |||||||||
object The user added as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group","permissionLevel": "read"}}
Change managed app collaborator permissionEvent type:changeManagedAppCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a managed app was changed.
Event type:changeManagedAppCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a managed app was changed.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator whose permission on the managed app was changed. | |||||||
string The name of the managed app on which this user's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose direct permission on the managed app was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
"group" The type of collaborator whose permission on the managed app was changed. | |||||
string The name of the managed app on which this group's permission was changed. | |||||
object The group whose direct permission on the managed app was changed.
| |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob"},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "owner"}}}
Change component collaborator permissionEvent type:changeComponentCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a component was changed.
Event type:changeComponentCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a component was changed.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator whose permission on the component was changed. | |||||||
string The name of the component on which this user's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose direct permission on the component was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
"group" The type of collaborator whose permission on the component was changed. | |||||
string The name of the component on which this group's permission was changed. | |||||
object The group whose direct permission on the component was changed.
| |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob"},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "owner"}}}
Remove managed app collaboratorEvent type:removeManagedAppCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a managed app.
Event type:removeManagedAppCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a managed app.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator removed from the managed app. | |||||||||
string The name of the managed app from which this user was removed. | |||||||||
object The user removed from the managed app.
"group" The type of collaborator removed from the managed app. | |||||||
string The name of the managed app from which this group was removed. | |||||||
object The group removed from the managed app.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Managed App","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group","permissionLevel": "read"}}
Remove component collaboratorEvent type:removeComponentCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a component.
Event type:removeComponentCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a component.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator removed from the component. | |||||||||
string The name of the component from which this user was removed. | |||||||||
object The user removed from the component.
"group" The type of collaborator removed from the component. | |||||||
string The name of the component from which this group was removed. | |||||||
object The group removed from the component.
Payload Version
{"name": "Awesome Component","type": "group","group": {"id": "ugp1mKGb3KXUyQfOZ","name": "Awesome group","permissionLevel": "read"}}
Publish data setEvent type:createPublishedDataset
Creates a new published data set.
Event type:createPublishedDataset
Creates a new published data set.
object The created published data set.
Payload Version
{"publishedDataset": {"name": "My data set name","owner": {"type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "owner"}},"audience": {"type": "gridWide"}}}
Change data set nameEvent type:changePublishedDatasetName
The name of a published data set was changed.
Event type:changePublishedDatasetName
The name of a published data set was changed.
Payload Version
{"current": {"publishedDataset": {"name": "My updated data set name"}},"previous": {"publishedDataset": {"name": "My old data set name"}}}
Payload Version
{"publishedDataset": {"name": "My deleted data set"}}
Update published data set ownerEvent type:updatePublishedDatasetOwner
The owner of a published data set was updated.
Event type:updatePublishedDatasetOwner
The owner of a published data set was updated.
string The name of the data set in which the owner was updated. | |||||||||||||
the below object
| |||||||||||||
the below object
Payload Version
{"name": "My published data set","current": {"type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "owner"}},"previous": {"type": "user","user": {"id": "usrM3PNC5o3H4lBEt","email": "","name": "Jenna Jones","permissionLevel": "comment"}}}
Update published data set audiencesEvent type:updatePublishedDatasetAudiences
The audiences of a published data set were updated.
Event type:updatePublishedDatasetAudiences
The audiences of a published data set were updated.
string The name of the data set in which the audiences were updated. | |||||
string Id of the user that performed the audiences update. | |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My published data set","originatingUserId": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","current": {"type": "orgUnitWide","audienceIds": ["ugpOjyHm01InnGQYV"]},"previous": {"type": "specificUserGroups","audienceIds": ["ugpVkI4ekrHfSP0xx","ugpVkI4ekrHfSP0yy"]}}
Update published data set verification statusEvent type:updatePublishedDatasetVerificationStatus
Published data set verification status was updated
Event type:updatePublishedDatasetVerificationStatus
Published data set verification status was updated
Payload Version
{"name": "My published data set","previous": {"verificationStatus": "unverified"},"current": {"verificationStatus": "verified"}}
Deactivate published data setEvent type:deactivatePublishedDataset
A published data set was made inactive due to changes in share or sync settings
Event type:deactivatePublishedDataset
A published data set was made inactive due to changes in share or sync settings
Payload Version
{"publishedDataset": {"name": "My published data set"},"deactivationReason": "shareHasPassword"}
Reactivate published data setEvent type:reactivatePublishedDataset
A published data set was made active after deactivation
Event type:reactivatePublishedDataset
A published data set was made active after deactivation
Payload Version
{"publishedDataset": {"name": "My published data set"}}
Payload Version
{"name": "My New Workspace"}
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace"}
Restore workspace from trashEvent type:restoreWorkspaceFromTrash
A workspace was restored from the trash.
Event type:restoreWorkspaceFromTrash
A workspace was restored from the trash.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace"}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"name": "Previous workspace name"},"current": {"name": "New workspace name"}}
Move workspaceEvent type:moveWorkspace
A workspace was moved between accounts.
Event type:moveWorkspace
A workspace was moved between accounts.
string The name of the moved workspace | |||||||||||||
object The previous billing plan and enterprise account
| |||||||||||||
object The current billing plan and enterprise account
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","previous": {"billingPlan": {"id": "plnbPlNFGdSC2wd8f","type": "free"}},"current": {"enterpriseAccount": {"id": "entUBq2RGdihxl3vU","name": "Current Enterprise Account"},"billingPlan": {"id": "plnguNcA6hGo17hxU","type": "enterprise"}}}
Change workspace sharing restrictionsEvent type:changeWorkspaceSharingRestrictions
The sharing restrictions for a workspace were changed.
Event type:changeWorkspaceSharingRestrictions
The sharing restrictions for a workspace were changed.
string The name of the workspace | |||||
optional< "unrestricted" | "onlyOwners" > Whether only owners can add collaborators or create invites to this workspace, its bases, and its interfaces | |||||
optional< "unrestricted" | "onlyOwners" > Whether only owners can create new share links to this workspace, its bases, and its interfaces | |||||
object The sharing restrictions for a workspace before being changed
| |||||
object The sharing restrictions for a workspace after being changed
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","inviteCreationRestriction": "unrestricted","previous": {"shareCreationRestriction": "unrestricted"},"current": {"shareCreationRestriction": "onlyOwners"}}
Create workspace invite linkEvent type:addWorkspaceInviteLink
An invite link was created for a workspace.
Event type:addWorkspaceInviteLink
An invite link was created for a workspace.
string The URL of the invite link | |||||
"read" | "comment" | "edit" | "create" | "owner" The permission level a user would be granted when accepting this invite | |||||
array of strings The email domain restrictions assigned to the invite link. When | |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this invite link. This factors in the invite link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide invite link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to accept this invite link. When | |||||
Payload Version
{"url": "","permissionLevel": "owner","restrictedToEmailDomains": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": ["",""],"workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "My Workspace"}}
Configure workspace invite linkEvent type:configureWorkspaceInviteLink
An workspace invite link's configuration was changed.
Event type:configureWorkspaceInviteLink
An workspace invite link's configuration was changed.
string The URL of the invite link | |||||||||
optional< "read" | "comment" | "edit" | "create" | "owner" > The permission level a user would be granted when accepting this invite | |||||||||
object The properties of the invite link configuration before these changes were applied
| |||||||||
object The properties of the invite link configuration after these changes were applied
| |||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domain restrictions assigned to the invite link. When | |||||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domains effectively allowed to access this invite link. This factors in the invite link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide invite link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to accept this invite link. When | |||||||||
Payload Version
{"url": "","restrictedToEmailDomains": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": ["",""],"previous": {"permissionLevel": "create"},"current": {"permissionLevel": "edit"},"workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "My Workspace"}}
Remove workspace invite linkEvent type:removeWorkspaceInviteLink
An invite link was removed from a workspace.
Event type:removeWorkspaceInviteLink
An invite link was removed from a workspace.
string The URL of the invite link | |||||
"read" | "comment" | "edit" | "create" | "owner" The permission level a user would be granted when accepting this invite | |||||
array of strings The email domain restrictions assigned to the invite link. When | |||||
array of strings The email domains effectively allowed to access this invite link. This factors in the invite link's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide invite link restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to accept this invite link. When | |||||
Payload Version
{"url": "","permissionLevel": "owner","restrictedToEmailDomains": null,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": ["",""],"workspace": {"id": "wspmhESAta6clCCwF","name": "My Workspace"}}
Change workspace AI permissionsEvent type:changeWorkspaceAiPermissions
The AI permissions for a workspace were changed.
Event type:changeWorkspaceAiPermissions
The AI permissions for a workspace were changed.
string The name of the workspace | |||
object The AI permissions for a workspace before being changed
| |||
object The AI permissions for a workspace after being changed
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","previous": {"enableAiFeatures": "noBases"},"current": {"enableAiFeatures": "allBases"}}
Invite workspace collaboratorEvent type:inviteWorkspaceCollaborator
A user was invited to collaborate on a workspace.
Event type:inviteWorkspaceCollaborator
A user was invited to collaborate on a workspace.
string The name of the workspace to which this user was invited | |||||||||
object The user invited as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","user": {"email": "","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Add workspace collaboratorEvent type:addWorkspaceCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a workspace.
Event type:addWorkspaceCollaborator
A collaborator was added to a workspace.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator added to the workspace | |||||||||
string The name of the workspace to which this user was added | |||||||||
object The user added as a collaborator.
"group" The type of collaborator added to the workspace | |||||||
string The name of the workspace to which this group was added | |||||||
object The group added as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Change workspace collaborator permissionEvent type:changeWorkspaceCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a workspace was changed.
Event type:changeWorkspaceCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on a workspace was changed.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator whose permission on the workspace was changed. | |||||||
string The name of the workspace on which this user's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose direct permission on the workspace was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
"group" The type of collaborator whose permission on the workspace was changed. | |||||
string The name of the workspace on which this group's permission was changed. | |||||
object The group whose direct permission on the workspace was changed.
| |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob"},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "comment"}}}
Change workspace invite permissionEvent type:changeWorkspaceInvitePermission
The permission a user will receive on a workspace when they accept the associated invite was changed.
Event type:changeWorkspaceInvitePermission
The permission a user will receive on a workspace when they accept the associated invite was changed.
string The name of the workspace on which this invite's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose invited permission on the workspace was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","user": {"email": ""},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "comment"}}}
Uninvite workspace collaboratorEvent type:uninviteWorkspaceCollaborator
A user was uninvited from a workspace.
Event type:uninviteWorkspaceCollaborator
A user was uninvited from a workspace.
string The name of the workspace from which this user was uninvited | |||||||||
object The user uninvited from the workspace.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","user": {"email": "","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Remove workspace collaboratorEvent type:removeWorkspaceCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a workspace.
Event type:removeWorkspaceCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from a workspace.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator removed from the workspace | |||||||||
string The name of the workspace from which this user was removed | |||||||||
object The user removed from the workspace.
"group" The type of collaborator removed from the workspace | |||||||
string The name of the workspace from which this group was removed | |||||||
object The group removed from the workspace.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Workspace","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Tracker"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Tracker"}
Restore interface from trashEvent type:restoreInterfaceFromTrash
An interface was restored from the trash.
Event type:restoreInterfaceFromTrash
An interface was restored from the trash.
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Tracker"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Tracker"}
View interfaceEvent type:viewInterface
An interface was viewed. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/interface combination.
Event type:viewInterface
An interface was viewed. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/interface combination.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface"}
Payload Version
{"previous": {"name": "Previous interface name"},"current": {"name": "New interface name"}}
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Tracker"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Tracker"}
View formEvent type:viewForm
A form was viewed. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/form combination.
Event type:viewForm
A form was viewed. This event is emitted at most once every 5 minutes per user/form combination.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Form"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Feedback"}
Payload Version
{"name": "Product Feedback"}
Configure form sharing settingsEvent type:configureFormSharingSettings
A form's sharing settings were configured.
Event type:configureFormSharingSettings
A form's sharing settings were configured.
string The name of the unpublished form | |||||||
optional< boolean > Whether this form is accessible to anyone, including logged-out users | |||||||
optional< boolean > Whether access to this form is password protected | |||||||
object The properties of the page configuration before these changes were applied
| |||||||
object The properties of the page configuration after these changes were applied
| |||||||
optional< array of strings > The email domains effectively allowed to access this form. This factors in the form's email domain restrictions and all enterprise-wide sharing restrictions. A viewer must have an account associated with an email domain included in the allow list to access this form. |
Payload Version
{"isPublic": false,"effectiveEmailDomainAllowList": [""],"previous": {"isPasswordProtected": false},"current": {"isPasswordProtected": true},"name": "Product Feedback"}
Invite interface collaboratorEvent type:inviteInterfaceCollaborator
A user was invited to collaborate on an interface.
Event type:inviteInterfaceCollaborator
A user was invited to collaborate on an interface.
string The name of the interface to which this user was invited | |||||||||
object The user invited as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface","user": {"email": "","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Add interface collaboratorEvent type:addInterfaceCollaborator
A collaborator was added to an interface.
Event type:addInterfaceCollaborator
A collaborator was added to an interface.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator added to the interface | |||||||||
string The name of the interface to which this user was added | |||||||||
object The user added as a collaborator.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Change interface collaborator permissionEvent type:changeInterfaceCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on an interface was changed.
Event type:changeInterfaceCollaboratorPermission
The direct permission of a collaborator on an interface was changed.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator whose permission on the interface was changed. | |||||||
string The name of the interface on which this user's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose direct permission on the interface was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
"group" The type of collaborator whose permission on the interface was changed. | |||||
string The name of the interface on which this group's permission was changed. | |||||
object The group whose direct permission on the interface was changed.
| |||||
| |||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob"},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "comment"}}}
Change interface invite permissionEvent type:changeInterfaceInvitePermission
The permission a user will receive on an interface when they accept the associated invite was changed.
Event type:changeInterfaceInvitePermission
The permission a user will receive on an interface when they accept the associated invite was changed.
string The name of the interface on which this invite's permission was changed. | |||||||
object The user whose invited permission on the interface was changed.
| |||||||
| |||||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface","user": {"email": ""},"previous": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "read"}},"current": {"user": {"permissionLevel": "comment"}}}
Uninvite interface collaboratorEvent type:uninviteInterfaceCollaborator
A user was uninvited from an interface.
Event type:uninviteInterfaceCollaborator
A user was uninvited from an interface.
string The name of the interface from which this user was uninvited | |||||||||
object The user uninvited from the interface.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface","user": {"email": "","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Remove interface collaboratorEvent type:removeInterfaceCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from an interface.
Event type:removeInterfaceCollaborator
A collaborator was removed from an interface.
any of the below objects
"user" The type of collaborator removed from the interface | |||||||||
string The name of the interface from which this user was removed | |||||||||
object The user removed from the interface.
"group" The type of collaborator removed from the interface | |||||||
string The name of the interface from which this group was removed | |||||||
object The group removed from the interface.
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface","type": "user","user": {"id": "usrL2PNC5o3H4lBEi","email": "","name": "John Jacob","permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Change interface organization-wide sharing permissionEvent type:configureInterfaceOrgWideSharing
An interface's organization-wide sharing permission was updated.
Event type:configureInterfaceOrgWideSharing
An interface's organization-wide sharing permission was updated.
string The name of the interface which was updated with a new permission for organization-wide sharing. | |||||||
object The audience with the updated interface organization-wide sharing permission
| |||||||
| |||||||
Payload Version
{"name": "My Interface","audience": {"name": "Example organization","id": "ugpOjyHm01InnGQYV","enterpriseAccountId": "entEEnPbptK123456"},"previous": {"permissionLevel": "read"},"current": {"permissionLevel": "comment"}}
Download CSVEvent type:downloadCSV
A CSV document was downloaded from a view or interface page element.
Event type:downloadCSV
A CSV document was downloaded from a view or interface page element.
any of the below objects
optional< "sharedViewEmbed" | "viewMenuPopover" > Origin of the CSV download | |||
| |||
Payload Version
{"view": {"name": "My View"},"table": {"name": "My Table"},"csvDownloadOrigin": "sharedViewEmbed"}
Moderate AI contentEvent type:moderateAiContent
AI content violated an AI provider’s moderation policy and returned an error.
Event type:moderateAiContent
AI content violated an AI provider’s moderation policy and returned an error.
"openAi" | "anthropic" | "amazon" | "ibmWatsonx" | "selfHosted" The AI model provider that flagged the content | |||||
string The AI surface where the content was moderated | |||||
array of strings The moderation categories that were flagged | |||||
optional< object > Field that produced the content that was moderated.
| |||||
optional< object > Record that produced the content that was moderated.
| |||||
optional< object > Automation that produced the content that was moderated.
| |||||
optional< object >
| |||||
optional< object >
Payload Version
{"base": {"name": "My base","id": "appLkNDICXNqxSDhG"},"categories": ["sexual","violence"],"aiModelProvider": "openAi","surface": "Automation","field": {"id": "fldoi0c3GaRQJ3xnI","name": "My field"},"record": {"id": "rec560UJdUtocSouk"},"automation": {"id": "wfldKFToDPyy9BUp8","name": "My workflow"}}