Find & replace Scripting Extension only
Scripting Extension only
This script finds and replaces all occurrences of one text snippet with another text snippet.
// edit these values to customize your script!let table = base.getTable("Tasks");let field = table.getField("Description");let findText = await input.textAsync('Enter text to find:');let replaceText = await input.textAsync('Enter to replace matches with:');// Load all of the records in the tablelet result = await table.selectRecordsAsync({fields: [field]});// Find every record we need to updatelet replacements = [];for (let record of result.records) {let originalValue = record.getCellValue(field);// Skip records which don't have the value set, so the value is nullif (!originalValue) {continue;}let newValue = originalValue.replace(findText, replaceText);if (originalValue !== newValue) {replacements.push({record,before: originalValue,after: newValue,});}}if (!replacements.length) {output.text('No replacements found');} else {output.markdown('## Replacements');output.table(replacements);let shouldReplace = await input.buttonsAsync('Are you sure you want to save these changes?', [{label: 'Save', variant: 'danger'},{label: 'Cancel'},]);if (shouldReplace === 'Save') {// Update the recordslet updates = => ({id:,fields: {[]: replacement.after,}}));// Only up to 50 updates are allowed at one time, so do it in batcheswhile (updates.length > 0) {await table.updateRecordsAsync(updates.slice(0, 50));updates = updates.slice(50);}}}