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Represents a set of records from a LinkedRecord cell value. See RecordQueryResult for main documentation.

Do not instantiate. You can get instances of this class by calling record.selectLinkedRecordsFromCell.


class LinkedRecordsQueryResult extends RecordQueryResult<LinkedRecordsQueryResultData>
readonly fieldsArray<Field> | null

The fields that were used to create this LinkedRecordsQueryResult.

readonly idstring

The ID for this model.

readonly isDataLoadedboolean
readonly isDeletedboolean
readonly isValidboolean

Is the query result currently valid? This value always starts as 'true', but can become false if the record from which this result was created is deleted, if the field is deleted, if the field config changes to link to a different table, or if the field config changes to link to a type other than MULTIPLE_RECORD_LINKS. Once isValid has become false, it will never become true again. Many fields will throw on attempting to access them, and watches will no longer fire.

readonly recordIdsArray<string>

Ordered array of all the linked record ids. Watchable.

readonly recordsArray<Record>

Ordered array of all the linked records. Watchable.

function (recordId: RecordId) => Record

the ID of the Record you want

Get a specific record in the query result, or throws if that record doesn't exist or is filtered out. Throws if data is not loaded yet. Watch using 'recordIds'.

function (recordId: RecordId) => Record | null

the ID of the Record you want

Get a specific record in the query result, or null if that record doesn't exist or is filtered out. Throws if data is not loaded yet. Watch using 'recordIds'.

function (recordOrRecordId: RecordId | Record) => Color | null

the record or record ID you want the color of.

Get the Color of a specific record in the query result. Returns null if the record has no color in this query result. Throws if the record isn't in the RecordQueryResult. Watch with the 'recordColors' and 'recordIds keys.

function (recordOrRecordId: RecordId | Record) => boolean

the record or record id to check the presence of

Check to see if a particular record or record id is present in this query result. Returns false if the record has been deleted or is filtered out.

function () => Promise<void>
function () => string

A string representation of the model for use in debugging.

function () => void
function (keys: WatchableRecordQueryResultKey | ReadonlyArray<WatchableRecordQueryResultKey>, callback: FlowAnyFunction, context?: FlowAnyObject | null) => Array<WatchableRecordQueryResultKey>
function (keys: WatchableRecordQueryResultKey | ReadonlyArray<WatchableRecordQueryResultKey>, callback: FlowAnyFunction, context?: FlowAnyObject | null) => Array<WatchableRecordQueryResultKey>