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View source

Props shared between the ViewPicker and ViewPickerSynced components.

interface SharedViewPickerProps extends SharedSelectBaseProps

An array indicating which view types can be selected.

aria-describedbyundefined | string

A space separated list of description element IDs.

aria-labelundefined | string

The aria-label attribute. Use this if the select is not referenced by a label element.

aria-labelledbyundefined | string

A space separated list of label element IDs.

autoFocusundefined | false | true

The autoFocus attribute.

classNameundefined | string

Additional class names to apply to the select.

disabledundefined | false | true

If set to true, the user cannot interact with the select.

idundefined | string

The id attribute.

nameundefined | string

The name attribute.

onChangeundefined | function (viewModel: View | null) => void

A function to be called when the selected view changes.

placeholderundefined | string

The placeholder text when no view is selected. Defaults to 'Pick a view...'

shouldAllowPickingNoneundefined | false | true

If set to true, the user can unset the selected view.


The size of the select.


Additional styles to apply to the select.

tabIndexundefined | number

The tabindex attribute.

tableTable | null

The parent table model to select views from. If null or undefined, the picker won't render.