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What demos do you want to see?

Information like specialty and pain points get shared on Buying Healthtech so we can get demo videos customized to your needs. Your company name, your name, and contact information will only be shared with companies you say you'd like to move forward with. By submitting this form, you're agreeing to's terms.

(Mental Health, Neurology, Primary Care, etc)
# of doctors, therapists, etc
What type of solution are you looking to buy? (Workflow Automation, AI Copilot, EHR, Patient self scheduling, etc)
What are your pain points
More detail helps sales teams know you're a good fit, they don't want to waste your time if it's not a fit. Things like what EHR you use, why you started looking, and what you're hoping to achieve are great things to share.
  • {name}
Purchase Timeframe
How soon are you looking to make a purchase?
VP of Product, Head of Clinical Ops, Founder, etc
Are there specific companies you'd like to watch a demo of?
We will specifically reach out to these companies.

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