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Facilitating the Student-led Civics Project (DESE Civics Pathway 1): Aug. 20 In-Person Workshops

IMPORTANT NOTE: Registration for this event is now full. If you would like to added to the waitlist, please continue to fill out the registration form below. ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: We will be offering the same set of workshops available on August 20 during our LIVE virtual workshop series that begins on Oct. 1, 2024. Details, schedule, and registration form are available at this link: REGISTRATION FOR AUGUST 20 Welcome to registration for the Aug. 20, 2024, in-person workshops on Facilitating the Student-led Civics Project (Pathway 1 of the DESE Civics Pathways). The workshops will be held at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute in Boston, from 9am - 3:30pm (lunch provided). These free, PDP-eligible workshops are open to Massachusetts public school educators. The workshops in Pathway 1 are geared toward teachers in grades 8-12 who facilitate or might facilitate the student-led civics project. You should receive confirmation of your registration within three business days of registering (or being added to the waitlist if the event is at capacity). If you do not, or if you have other questions, please email with the subject line "Civics Pathways Registration." We will be happy to help you.

I am a Massachusetts public school educator.
If you are not an MA public school educator, you are not eligible for the DESE Civics Pathways at this time.
Are you registering as an individual or on behalf of a group?
Choose all that currently apply.
  • Classroom teacher
  • Specialist teacher
  • Instructional coach
  • School administrator
  • District administrator
  • Other
Choose all that currently apply.
  • Early Childhood/Pre-K
  • Elementary/Primary School
  • Middle/Junior High School
  • High School
  • Higher Education
  • Adult Education/Professional Development
How many years have you facilitated the Massachusetts student-led civics project?
Did you participate in any of the DESE Civics Pathways offerings in SY2023-24? If so, what type?
Choose all that apply.
  • I participated in Civics Pathways workshops last year.
  • I participated in Civics Pathways self-guided online learning last year.
  • I did not participate in the Civics Pathways last year.
Have you ever participated in DESE-sponsored civics professional learning other than the Civics Pathways?
How did you hear about the Civics Pathways?
Select as many as apply.
  • DESE communication (e.g., newsletter)
  • a district office or leader
  • a school leader or coach
  • a teacher
  • Project Zero communication
  • Democratic Knowledge Project communication
  • social media
  • other
The Aug. 20 conference will have three sessions. Please choose the workshop you would like to attend for Session 1.
Which workshop would you like to attend for Session 2?
Which workshop would you like to attend for Session 3?
Accessibility and Disability Accommodations
The Harvard Graduate School of Education and Project Zero strive to offer a welcoming learning environment for individuals with disabilities while ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations. Please list any accommodations you will need in order to participate fully. If you have any questions, please contact us directly at Please note, requests for sign language interpreters and/or CART providers should be made at least 4 weeks in advance. Examples of accommodations we can provide include: Assistive listening device CART Services Sign language interpreter Lactation room Reserved seating in the front of the classroom

Other accommodations
If you would like to request any other accommodations or special services during this program, please share your request(s) here. If you have no accommodation requests, please leave this text box blank.

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