EA for Christians Intro Course Sign-Up Form
Deadline: 28th February 2024 2 cohorts starting on 2nd March 2024: *Saturdays 8:00am GMT* *Saturdays 7:00pm GMT* [all sessions: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd March 2024] EA for Christians Intro Course is a 4-week long discussion group. Its aim is to introduce Christians to the key ideas of and the questions posed by Effective Altruism starting with the moral foundations given in the Bible. The course requires between 1h and 1h 30min preparation time before each discussion meeting which itself lasts 1h 20min. The intro course finishes with an encouragement to undertake a practical project, such as preparation of a donation plan, sharing the key ideas with a friend or re-evaluating one's career path, and a 1-to-1 follow up call to discuss the project as well as the impact of the intro course on the participant's decision-making process. Structure: DONATIONS: i) WEEK 1: “What is Effective Altruism about?” - Intro to EA and expanding our moral circle ii) WEEK 2: “Why should I care about evaluating charities?” - The Effectiveness Mindset ADVOCACY: i) WEEK 3: “What global problem should I care for first?” - EA Cause Areas, Advocacy and Longtermism IMPACTFUL CAREER: i) WEEK 4: “What career should I pursue? And how does it relate to God's will?” - 80 000 hours and impactful career choice “What to do next? Theory into practice.” - Final Project “How much have EACH ideas altered my thinking?” - Follow-Up Call If you would love to commit to this intro course, please fill out this application form by 20th July 2023 and we will be in touch with you shortly after the deadline. Great to have you with us! Yours, EA for Christians Team Note: This course is an introduction to EA for people of no prior knowledge or those interested in re-visiting the Biblical foundations behind giving and pursuing impactful career paths. For more in-depth discussions, please join the Weekly Sunday Discussion Group.