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In-Depth Course Scholarship Application

Project Zero's Professional Learning Scholarships seek to support a range of schools, districts, and organizations, as well as a diverse group of educators. Scholarship-eligible educators must work directly with students in a classroom setting on a daily basis, and/or serve as leaders and/or administrators in schools or other organizations that enroll students in classroom settings on a daily basis. Further, these scholarships aim to support educators working in under-resourced contexts and/or with historically marginalized students. In most cases, the scholarship for in-depth courses will cover 50-70% of the tuition. Applicants must provide proof of the following eligibility requirements: -In the United States, public school educators working in schools with a free and reduced lunch rate of 25% or more OR educators working primarily with students who attend these schools. -Outside of the United States, educators whose schools or organizations serve 25% or more students whose families meet the country-defined standard for low-income. Important note: Scholarships are not awarded retroactively. If you register and pay for the course before applying for the scholarship, you will not be able to receive a refund for the scholarship amount. First, submit a scholarship application. Next, you will receive word back on your award status within 3-5 business days, along with instructions on how to apply the scholarship award when you register (if applicable). Scholarships are limited and are assessed and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Online Course for Which You Plan to Register
Please double-check the course dates and descriptions, as some course titles have changed or are similar and often confused. Note: PZ normally awards one scholarship per educator year; please do not select more than one course.
Are you applying as an individual or as a team of educators seeking scholarship support?
Note: Teams consist of three (3) or more participants; two individuals from the same org should apply separately as individuals and then request to be on the same team.
Your Role Type
If you plan to register additional teammates, their role types will be provided in the registration.
Organization/School Address
Please include street, city, state/province, and country.
  • {name}
Type of Organization/School
Check all that apply.
  • Public school (funded by the local, state, or federal government)
  • Private or independent school
  • Home school
  • Museum, Nonprofit, Enrichment program
  • Professional Development, Consulting Organization
  • Other
Age of Learners
Check all that apply.
  • Early Childhood/Pre-K (ages 0-4)
  • Elementary/Primary School (ages 5-11)
  • Middle School (ages 11-14)
  • High/Secondary School (ages 14-18)
  • Higher Education (ages 18-22+)
  • Adult Education/Professional Development (ages 21+)
  • District Administrator, School Leader, etc. (not working directly with students)
  • Other
Scholarship Eligibility
U.S. registrants - What percentage of the students served by your school or organization receive U.S. Federal Free and Reduced Lunch or live in low-income households? Outside of the U.S. registrants - What percentage of the students served by your school or organization meet the country-defined standard for low-income?
Proof of Eligibility (Required)
Applicants must attach a file OR a URL link that demonstrates scholarship eligibility. Please provide data/documentation about your student population that clearly demonstrates your scholarship eligibility and is written in the English language. Acceptable forms of documentation include: - An excerpt from an annual report, - A report from (US only), or - A screenshot or report from a website with the relevant demographic and financial data about your students Please include only the pages/information relevant to your application and not the entire report. Option A: Provide a File Acceptable file types include: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, or .png. If this documentation can be accessed online, please also include a link to the relevant webpage in the area marked "Link to Webpage" below. *NOTE: Applications that are missing an acceptable form of documentation cannot be processed.
Attach file
Drop files here
If applicable, please insert a link to a webpage with student information or data that clearly demonstrates your scholarship eligibility and is written in the English language.
Past Scholarships
Please select all of the PZ professional learning offerings for which you have received funding.
  • Project Zero Classroom - summer institute
  • In-Depth - 13-week online courses
  • Mini Courses/Micro Practicums - 4-5-week online course
  • PZ Virtual - online workshops
  • PZ Sparks Conference
  • JusticexDesign 2-day Intensive
  • PZ Perspectives - offsite conferences
  • In-Person Workshops in Metro Boston
  • I have not received scholarship funding from Project Zero in the past.
Please provide a brief statement explaining why you would like to participate in this online course and how you hope this experience might deepen your skills and enhance your teaching practice.

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