Idaho superintendents survey
(This survey is now closed. To reach our team, email The Idaho Statesman and ProPublica are reporting on school building conditions. To do this right, we need perspective from the people who know their districts best. We don’t plan to publish your full responses online and we will reach out before publication if we want to quote you.
School district: *
The following questions will ask you to rate your schools as good, fair or poor. The definitions we use are based on the 1993 statewide facilities assessment, but we know they are subjective. We’re interested in how you would categorize your schools.
“Good condition” means few problems exist, only minor renovations or repairs are needed or no repairs are needed.
“Fair condition” means a facility has problems or is developing problems that will need attention in the next several years.
“Poor condition” means major problems exist that require significant repair or replacement, or facilities are incompatible with current needs.
If you had the resources, which school buildings would you prioritize for repairs or replacement?
You can list as many schools as you’d like.
- {name}
In your district, which of these issues pose significant challenges or require major repairs?
- Heating
- Cooling
- Bathrooms
- Leaky plumbing, walls, windows or roof
- Structural issues like cracks in the walls or foundation
- Roof
- Windows
- Accessibility for people with disabilities
- Traffic safety (at street crossings, in parking lots or in drop-off areas)
- Fire and emergency preparedness
- Security (locks on classroom doors, secure entrances, etc.)
- Inadequate Wi-Fi
- Outdated technology or equipment
- Electrical (lighting problems, power going out, tripping breakers, etc.)
- Asbestos
- Drinking water
- Overcrowding or use of portable buildings for extra space
- Other
What are your biggest concerns about school conditions in your district?
(You can tell us about specific schools, issues you selected above or other issues not listed.)
- {name}
How have conditions in your schools affected students and staff?
We know that teachers do all they can to provide a great education and that students can excel despite the condition of facilities. We also know that issues with school buildings, like broken bathrooms, poor Wi-Fi or insufficient heating or cooling, can lead to lost instructional time or other challenges.
- {name}
Do you believe you will be able to address these issues in the next year?
- Yes
- Maybe
- No
Are all of your buildings ADA compliant?
(We know that the regulations have a "safe harbor" provision for older facilities, which is sometimes referred to as being "grandfathered in." We're wondering if your buildings would meet the newest standards.)
- Yes
- No
The following questions ask about the age of your school buildings. If you don't know this offhand, you can skip these questions and we’ll follow up.
Please tell us about any assessments (formal or informal) of the condition of your schools that were conducted in the past five years.
- {name}
You can share copies of these assessments with us here or by email at
Attach file
Drop files here
Is there anything else you think we should know?
- {name}
We’d like to hear your honest thoughts. Is there anything you didn’t share here that you’d like to follow up about over the phone?
- Yes, please email me.
- Yes, please call me.
- No.
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