2024 Flint ReCast Mini Grant Application
Funding period: April 1 - September 30, 2024 Application deadline: Tuesday, February 21, 2024 - 5pm
Website or social media account(s)
Ex. 25 youth and 15 adults
15. Please provide a narrative overview of your organization, including any existing program or activities that are in alignment with the goals of Flint ReCAST. *
(350-words maximum)
16. Project Goal you will address: *
GOAL 1: Increase capacity and implementation of evidence- and community-based youth engagement programs
through community partnerships to promote positive youth development.
Goal 2: Increase the capacity of trauma-informed practices and strengthen the integration of behavioral
health services to improve equitable access.
17. Project Description: Please provide a detailed description of the program/project for which you are applying including how it will achieve the ReCAST goal under which you are applying. *
(500-words maximum)
18. Please describe how you will select or engage participants (youth/families or clinicians) to participate in your proposed project. *
(250-words maximum)
- {name}
19. Please discuss the experience of your project’s key staff to conduct the proposed project and meet the objectives of your proposal. *
(250-word maximum)
- {name}
20. Please write a three or four sentence “headline” / “sales pitch” describing your proposed project to the community in the context of Flint ReCAST. *
This response will be used as your advertisement for your program and is what will be posted to the online community voting platform.
(100 word maximum)
21. If awarded a Flint ReCAST mini-grant, does your organization commit to submitting outcomes and participation reports? *
22. Please describe how your project will track and measure its proposed outcomes, and the reach of your efforts. Reference the reach measures listed in the description of the objective you are applying under, and include specific measures you will track. *
Reference the reach measures listed in the description of the objective you are applying under, and include specific measures you will track.
(For example, "we will track the number of youth participants participating in our 8-week after school program, including name, age, zip code, parental contact)
(350-words maximum)
- {name}
23. Will your project offer training in mental health-related practices/activities to equip professionals, clinicians, and community agencies? If so, how will you provide the training? If not, enter “N/A” in the box below. Trainings may include but are not limited to: mental health first aid, mental health awareness, trauma-informed care certification *
(250-words maximum)
- {name}
24. Will your project provide mental health-related services? If so, how will you provided those services? If not, enter “N/A” in the box below. Services may include but are not limited to: counseling, support groups, treatment programs, other therapies *
(250-words maximum)
25. Will your project offer training in prevention or behavioral health-related promotion? If so, how will you provide the training or behavioral health-related promotion? If not, enter “N/A” in the box below. *
(250-words maximum)
27. Please provide a budget summary and narrative describing how the funds will be used. Please include budget narrative specific to costs associated with personnel (wages/fringe), supplies/materials, program costs, etc. this narrative is in addition to the required spreadsheet that you will attach *
(500-words maximum)
- {name}
28. What plans do you have to sustain your program/project when your grant award is exhausted? *
(250-words maximum)
- {name}
Required attachments *
1. Board of Directors and/or Organization Chart.
2. Cover image or postcard of community program
3. IRS determination letter
4. Budget detail spreadsheet (see link below for template)
Budget Template:
Attach file
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