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Jabula Renewal Application

Ministerial Licensing Application

Before you complete this form, please ensure these two items are complete: 1) You have submitted your letter of Good Standing, complete with your senior pastor's signature You can retrieve the letter of Good Standing by clicking the link here: 2) you have paid your licensing fee You may not be able to proceed with this application unless points a) & b) above have been completed first. Please tick the box below to confirm you have paid your licensing fee.
Please confirm the date you paid your licensing fee for our records
Your Region
Select your Jabula Region
Home Address
  • {name}
Please provide a contact number that is directly accessible by you i.e. a cell or home number; we may need to contact you concerning your credentials.
What were your three main activities within the last license period?
  • {name}
What are your three main goals for the next three years?
  • {name}
Can you outline three things that have impacted or enhanced your ministry in the past three years:
Evaluation of your last three years of ministry.
  • {name}
What further ministerial studies or educational development have you completed in the last three years, this can include books you have read, conferences attended, courses completed etc
Evaluation of your last three years of ministry.
  • {name}
Upload Your Photo
*** PLEASE NOTE*** The Licensing Team cannot send out your licensing card without a clear headshot photo of you. 1) Your photos must: i) be a close-up of your full head and upper shoulders ii) contain no other objects or people iii) be taken against a plain or light background iv) be in clear contrast to the background v) not have ‘red eye’ 2) In your photo, you must: i) be facing forwards and looking straight at the camera ii) have a plain expression and your mouth closed iii) have your eyes open and visible iv) not have hair in front of your eyes v) not have a head covering vi) not have anything covering your face vii) not have any shadows on your face or behind you viii) Do not wear sunglasses or tinted glasses. ix) If you wear glasses your eyes must be visible without any glare or reflections. Visit for help with your photo.
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