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Ocean Nomads 2025 Trip Collaborations

This is your chance to help shape what’s next for Ocean Nomads, and your personal ambitions. Whether you want to captain or host an ocean nomads trip, co-create / co-brand a new adventure, or partner with us to attract ocean nomads to your adventure, we’d love to hear from you. Together we can create more opportunities for people to explore the oceans and wilderness in ways that inspire connection and protect our playground.

How long have you been Ocean Nomads Member?
How many Ocean Nomads trips have you joined?
What motivates you to team up?
  • {name}
How would you like to collaborate?
Tell us about your experience, style & qualifications
Please share any relevant skills or experience. It's you who makes the trip! What can ocean nomads learn from you? If you applied as skipper before, no need to re-submit. Do add new skills/qualifications may that apply. Note that in order to skipper for Ocean Nomads you need to have Yachtmaster Offshore (or equivalent).
  • {name}
Proposed Trip Idea
If you’re proposing a trip (or have a dream trip we potentially can realize together), please briefly (< 200 words) describe your idea: Destination Concept and activities Timing Why it’s unique and aligned with Ocean Nomads values
  • {name}
For skippers / hosts leading Ocean Nomads trips: Registration as freelance/ business may be required to comply with maritime laws and insurance policies. For co-creating / referral, registration as a business or commercially prepared vessel, is preferred for transparency and compliance, but it may not be mandatory if Ocean Nomads handles the primary operations.
Your availability
Select all that apply
Your sailing destinations of expertise (if applicable)
  • {name}
Anything else you would like to share?
Share any additional comments or questions
  • {name}

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