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Ignite Fund Application

Eligibility: All ventures with at least one current JHU student founder. Teams cannot receive more than one Ignite Award per semester; generally, once-a-year applications are favored. Award Criteria: Applications must identify a single task to be funded. Awards gifted under this fund typically range from $100 to $1,000 (the maximum amount granted). Applicant(s) must clearly demonstrate how the task supported by the funding will impact their venture’s next steps.

Please describe your venture in 3 sentences or less
  • {name}
Please share your venture's website, social media, or any relevant links. If you do not have any, write N/A
  • {name}
JHU School
Academic Standing
Please list other team members (Name, JHU affiliation, Email address, Expected Graduation Date, Role in startup) and/or anyone who has equity or ownership in your idea. If you're a solo founder, put N/A
  • {name}
Please list any JHU or non-JHU Faculty or Staff involved in this venture (Name, Title, School/Department, Venture Role) e.g. Dr. Harriet King, Neurosurgery @JH School of Medicine, Lead Clinical Mentor. If none, put N/A.
  • {name}
Describe the ONE task you are seeking funding for. E.g. I would like to buy a license for HootSuite so I can advertise on all our social media channels at once to gain more customers.
  • {name}
Provide a full breakdown of the costs associated with your request. Please provide links to the items to be purchased.
  • {name}
Have you recieved other funding from FastForward U or Johns Hopkins? If so, please list below
  • {name}

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