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Fill out the form

If you're eligible for any of the programs we are running at the moment, we will message you via email with the next steps you should take to complete your application.

Please type in your first name and last name in this order as shown in your passport, no caps lock.
Please make sure you made no typos, it is our main way of communication.
What country do you live in?
What is your current role?
  • Backend Software Engineer
  • Full-Stack Software Engineer
  • Frontend Software Engineer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Machine Learning Researcher
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Engineer
  • iOS Developer
  • Android Developer
  • Cross-Platform Mobile Developer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Software Engineer in Test
  • QA Engineer
  • System Engineer
  • Other
Do you have a Telegram account?
We love Telegram messenger and it helps us communicate with applicants faster. Our account there is @teamouttalent.
We love LinkedIn too! We believe it's an amazing high-trust source of work experience information and we decided to require it in our admissions process. Please: - Make sure your work experience there is up-to-date (company name, job title, employment date) - Use this format: - Make sure it points to your profile and not the feed page
What payment options are you interested in?
The options with % of base salary for now are only available for backend/full-stack software engineers with 4+ years of experience. The options with no % of base salary are mainly created for frontend, mobile, and ML developers but backend/full-stack developers can choose them too.
  • $1000 upfront, 10% of base salary x 2 years
  • $1500/month, no % of base salary
  • $10,000 upfront, no % of base salary
How did you learn about Outtalent?

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