
Lorem ipsum

Beloved: "Flesh", Autumn '23 Submissions

Please be sure you have gone over our submission guidelines and read our theme overview at ! You are more than welcome to submit as many pieces as you'd like, but please be sure to fill out a new form for each individual piece.

This is the name you would like for us to call you! Does not have to be a legal name.
Credit Name
This is the name that you wish to be credited by! This is what will be printed into our zine. Some people pick just their first name, their full name, a screen name, or a username for this. It's really up to you! Enter your name how you'd like it to appear in the zine (capitalization, all lowercase, special characters, etc).
  • {name}
What are your pronouns?
  • {name}
Social Media:
Add as many accounts as you would like!
  • {name}
Are you 18 or older?
Let's hear about you! Tell us as much or as little as you'd like. Past art/writing experience, hobbies, interests, how you identify... who are you? (This will not be a public bio, this is just for us!:)
  • {name}
How do you identify?
(This could include gender identity, sexuality, political alignment, race/ethnicity, religion, etc. Anything you'd like to share! What is your unique perspective? Where do you fall in the ButchFemme community?)
  • {name}
Bio time! This WILL be a public bio. Think of this as the "About the Author" section of a book. This will be paired with your piece in our zine, so be sure to include any social media usernames you would like to share!
  • {name}
What is your piece's title? Enter your title how you'd like it to appear in the zine (capitalization, all lowercase, special characters, etc).
Artist statement:
Let's hear a bit about your piece! This will be paired with your piece, so feel free to include anything you'd like about it. Why you made it, what it means to you, etc! (Please try your best to keep this under 150 words.)
  • {name}
Submit your piece here!
For image submissions, we prefer .png or .jpeg files. If you are submitting a drawing without a background please try to make sure your submission is a transparent png file. For written submissions, a .docx or pdf is preferred. Please only submit one piece per application. If you have another work you'd like to send us, please fill out another application!
Over Limit: attachment upload disabled
Do we have your permission to use your piece (with credit, of course!) on our social media and/or website?
Where/how did you hear about Beloved? :)
  • {name}
Anything else we should know?
About you, your piece, or anything else you'd like to share!
  • {name}

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form