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Application to be a Visiting Scholar or Visiting Student at the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public

The Kavli Center accepts applications for a Visiting Scholar or a Visiting Student appointment on a rolling basis.

Select the appropriate visiting status
(note that visiting scholars must hold a PhD and can be faculty, postdocs, or from a professional position. Visiting students must be enrolled in a graduate program at a University.)
Please list the organization or institution where you currently hold an appointment or are enrolled.
Please list the department or division of the institution where you hold an appointment or where your graduate program is located.
(e.g. faculy, graduate student, postdoc)
Visa Status
When would you like to arrive in Berkeley if accepted?
When would you like to depart from Berkeley if accepted?
Please let us know if these are exact dates or if you have flexibility. Please share any other pertinent information about the timing of your proposed visit.
Faculty of Interest
Please list any faculty with whom you are interested in studying/working while a visiting scholar or student.

Please upload a recent CV or resume
Attach file
Drop files here
Interest Statement
Briefly, describe the relevance of the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public to your academic or professional development. Why are you interested in holding a visiting appointment?

Proposed plan of study
Please provide a brief (1-2 paragraphs) summary of the proposed plan of study/research while a visiting scholar at the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public.

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