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Travel Award Application Form

Students are eligible to receive the travel award once per year. Please only submit an application if your abstract has been accepted and you will be presenting. Complete this form when you have all required documents ready to submit. The following documents are required to process reimbursement. 1) Absence request approval 2) A letter of good standing 3) Conference receipts 4) Conference agenda/program

Read and understand the statement below before submitting an application.
I have read and I understand the application and eligibility requirements ( I understand What’s Covered ( I understand the cost sharing guidelines (see below). A valid receipt contains amount, date, place of purchase, identification of what was purchased, and proof of payment. •Room Sharing: University travelers may share a room (if they choose) HOWEVER ****Have the hotel split the bill and each traveler pays their own portion ****Each traveler must have their own receipt with their name on the receipt ****Reimbursement not allowed if your name is NOT on the lodging receipt, no exception •Registration costs, airfare, mileage. Gas is reimbursed for rental cars only. •Lodging up to $333 per night (taxes not included). Anything over $333 per night will not be reimbursed, no exception. •Transportation between event location, lodging, and travel (e.g. between conference and hotel, between hotel and airport). •Meals up to $75 per day, per person. Alcohol not reimbursed. •Expenses during the conference dates only. •Cost of conference registration.
Abstract Title

Participated in (choose one)
Will you be presenting?

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