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Interview Room Booking

Please use the form below to reserve an interview room at the '68 Center. Reservations are not confirmed until your form has been reviewed and approved by '68 Center staff. Please note you must submit a request for space with at least 48 hours notice, otherwise we cannot accommodate your request.

Class Year
If you have more than one, enter the names below separated by a semi-colon. (e.g. Teach for America; WorldCare International, etc.)
Interview Appointment Blocks
Click the "+ Add" button below to pull up a list of available appointment blocks. You can either scroll through the list, or start typing the date you're looking for. If nothing comes up, that means the date is unavailable. Morning Appointment Blocks are from 9am-12:30pm. Afternoon Appointment Blocks are from 12:30pm-4:30pm. Appointment blocks can only be booked with 48 hours advanced notice. If you have an interview that spans across both a Morning and Afternoon block, please choose the block that most closely aligns with your time and include the specifics of your interview in the "Additional Information" section at the bottom of this form.
Additional Information (optional)
Please share any specific details about your interview schedule you believe to be relevant to booking your interview room.

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