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Zeta Global Calendar Submission

Please use the following form to submit approved events that you would like to appear on the global calendar This form should only be used by Directors and Committee Chairs. * Please submit at least within 3 weeks before the event for events that need a Zoom link and Tech support' * Please submit 1 event per request, if you have multiple events please submit multiple worms Here's a quick walk-through video if you need directions completing the form

Event Name
  • {name}
Registration Link
-If you already have a link available, please put the link here. This will be visible in the event details - if you need a link set up leave this area blank and select Zoom for Event Type and a link will be created for you
  • {name}
Event Type/Platform
Please select the Committee responsible for the event (if the name is not available please put it in the Additional Information field, we will add it to the list for future submissions)
Please put the last name of the soror responsible for the event (if the name is not available please put it in the Additional Information field, we will add it to the list for future submissions)
Additional Info
Is there any additional information you'd like us to know about the event

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form