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2023 Frost Survey - Foraged Fruit Project

The May 18th hard frost in the Northeast has been a significant event for many farms and businesses. We are wondering how it has affected foraged fruit, either wild specimens in the landscape, or specimens grafted from foraged scion wood and grown in cultivated orchards. Please fill out this brief survey below to let us know how your foraged fruit resources fared, and if you anticipate any harvest this year. Project information can be found here: Dr. Maria Kennedy can be reached at if you have questions or would like to discuss this project further.

Consent to Participate
Full study Information and consent form available here: I understand that by filling out this survey, I am participating in the research study conducted by Dr. Maria Kennedy and Dr. Greg Peck at Cornell University freely. I understand that I may opt out of the research at any time. I understand that my information will be stored with my name and contact info in the research database, and it may be used for research, publications, and presentations, but I may request my information to be modified, made anonymous, or removed from the study by contacting Dr. Kennedy at
  • {name}
If you are a commercial producer, please identify your company. If you are not, you may leave this blank.
Forager Type
What role does foraging play in your life?
Foraging Region
Where are you foraging? Our project focuses on New York State, but others are welcome to fill out the form.
  • NY - Finger Lakes
  • NY - Catskills
  • NY - Hudson Valley
  • NY - North Country / Adirondacks
  • NY - Central NY
  • NY - Western NY
  • New England
  • Mid Atlantic
  • Midwest
  • Southeast
  • Southwest
  • West / Northwest Coast
  • Canada
  • International
Frost Resilience - Types
Check ALL characteristics of trees where fruit SURVIVED the Frost.
  • High Elevation
  • Mid Elevation
  • Low Elevation
  • Early Blooming
  • Mid Blooming
  • Late Blooming
  • Higher Tree Branches
  • Lower Tree Branches
  • Wild Tree
  • Cultivated Trees from Foraged Scion Wood
Foraged Fruit Frost Outcomes - Description
How did the frost affect trees that you forage? Give us a short description of what happened to trees on sites you forage in the wild or to trees cultivated from foraged scion wood. If there are specific trees, varieties, or locations that fared better in the frost, tell us about them and why you believe the fruit survived?
  • {name}
2023 Foraged Fruit Harvest Predictions
Based on your observations of your foraging sites after the frost event, estimate what kind of harvest you anticipate this year.
Specimen Submission Fall 2023
We hope to continue collection of specimens this year, but it may depend on what is available. If you anticipate any harvest of foraged fruit, either wild or grafted, that you have not previously submitted to the project, please let us know. Where possible, we hope to collect fruit and leaf samples from those who have not already submitted fruit during the 2022 season.
Other Comments
If there is something else you would like us to know about the effect of the frost, about your anticipated foraging this year, your cider making from foraged fruit, or an issue we have not covered, please let us know.
  • {name}

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