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WiDS Datathon College & University Course Integration

Incorporate the WiDS Datathon into your college or university course curriculum! The WiDS Datathon is a fantastic opportunity for students to gain experience and see an application to a real and critical challenge. Questions? Email

Course / Activity Dates
When will your course take place?
  • {name}
What is your course called? (ie: CME 99/ DataSci 197: WiDS Datathon Independent Study; Data Science 101)
University course type / length
Which descriptions best align to your course or activity type? Select all that apply
Course Topic
Which topic most closely relates to your course?
Course description
Please briefly describe to us your course and how you intend to integrate the datathon into your curriculum
  • {name}
What level are your students?
What experience do you students have?
Briefly describe the level of knowledge your students have. This will help us provide useful resources. ie: no experience? some experience? math/ statistics background? what technical knowledge do they have? are they use to working on this kind of material?
  • {name}
Do you currently have a course TA or mentor?

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