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Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program Application

The Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program is a 12-month group coaching and mentorship program for women who want to master the skill of Ancestral Medicine and Build a Business that provides them with purpose, impact, and freedom. Please fill out the application below intentionally and thoughtfully. We only accept a select number of students each open enrollment period despite getting hundreds of applications. If your application is accepted for the Certification Program, you will be invited to step two: an admissions interview to ensure you're the right fit for the program and community. If accepted, you will have 48 hours to accept your invitation by making your initial tuition payment and signing the program agreement contract. Please be sure you are ready to secure your spot.

example: - Please double check the spelling. Anuuma will add you to a secret IG group.
What best describes your current situation? Please choose one. None of these exclude you from consideration, so please answer honestly. *
Our first milestone after you master the skill of Ancestral Medicine is to help you match your income with your business, and then double it while making an incredible impact. What are you currently making revenue-wise?
In other words, what are the things you don't want to bring into the business you build or grow while moving through the program?
If you could start to replace your job’s salary with your business or if we could double your existing business within the next 6 months, would you be interested?
Could you handle an influx of clients or orders in your new business with your current schedule, or would you be ready to quit as soon as we matched your salary?
In your wildest dreams, what would your holistic business as an Ancestral Medicine Woman look like? What kind of success do you want to see with this business? (Be specific) *
  • {name}
What do you think is the biggest thing holding you back from achieving this level of success? *
Be detailed here.
  • {name}
What Holistic Healing or Herbal Medicine Experience do you have? (if any)
On a scale of 1-5 how important is it for you to have a PROVEN PROCESS & DIRECT MENTORSHIP for success as it relates to becoming an Ancestral Medicine Woman and an advanced holistic practitioner? (5 being the most important) *
Why have you decided that AMW is the program and sacred container to support you in achieving these goals?
  • {name}
Are you applying for the Business Mastery Path or the Certification Path?
Both the Business Mastery Path and Self-Study Path include: Direct coaching and mentorship, business coaching & custom feedback, live monthly business building workshops, quarterly retreats, pop-up events, the AMW community, certificate of completion, and the opportunity to be featured in the AMW Alumni Directory to book clients post graduation. The Certification Program is a 12-month accelerated program, while the Business Mastery Path grants you 2 years of access to the 9 Portals of Mastery, Core Curriculum, Coaching, and Mentorship with the addition of the Advanced Well and Wealthy Business Curriculum and a live Business Building Event.

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