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Jack Lazor Memorial Soil Stewards: Vegetable Cohort Application

Thank you for your interest in this cohort! This program will focus on vegetable farmers with an intermediate to advanced level of soil health knowledge and farming experience who are eager to learn in community with other farmers. NOFA-VT is accepting applications for a dynamic group of farmers located around the state to learn together through guest speakers, peer-to-peer discussion and on-farm visits. More information available here: Application Deadline: January 27, 2025 Questions? Contact Megan Browning at or 802-424-7184

What is the best way to contact you?
Are you certified organic?
What is/are you primary enterprise/s?
  • {name}
What are your primary markets?
  • {name}
What are the biggest overall challenges on your farm?
  • {name}
What are the top three things you are interested in learning about soil health?
  • {name}
Is soil health and soil quality on your farm providing a barrier to the financial viability of your farm?
Please explain in a few sentences
  • {name}
Is there anything else you would like to share related to your interest in soil health and this cohort program?
  • {name}
Do you have any colleagues or friends who might also be interested in participating in this cohort? Please share their name, farm name and contact information below:
  • {name}

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