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Public Membership Application Form

To apply for public membership on one of CB6's committees, you must complete this form.

To which committee are you seeking public membership?
Have you attended at least three meetings of this committee in the last six months?
Please note that no application for Public Membership will be considered unless you have attended at least three meetings of your desired committee in the last six months.
Please describe any relevant work experience or community involvement or other ways in which you have made contributions to the community
  • {name}
Please list the community organizations to which you belong, including those outside of the district
  • {name}
Please attach a PDF of your resume
Attach file
Drop files here
If appointed as a Public Member of Manhattan Community Board Six, I will abide by its by-laws. I recognize that as a Public Member, my participation and regular attendance are required. I am willing to make this commitment of time and effort to serve my community conscientiously. In addition, I agree to abide by all New York City Conflict of Interest Laws Print your name below.

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