
Lorem ipsum

UC Berkeley NSF I-Corps & I-Corps @ LSEC - March 17, March 20, & April 2

This application is for both Berkeley NSF I-Corps and I-Corps @ LSEC, a second collaborative course with the UC Berkeley Life Sciences Entrepreneurship Center tailored to early stage life science startups. Both trainings will run at the same dates and times (listed below), and this application is for both courses. Course requirements: 1) You must apply with a team of 2-4 people 2) Attendance of all team members at all Zoom class sessions (March 17, March 20, April 2) @ 5-8pm PST 3) 30-35 hours of work per teammate outside of class, including completion of ~10 hours of course pre-work from March 10-17 Application Deadline: February 28

If you don't have a name yet, use a short (2-3 words) descriptive title
If available
What does (or would) your product or service do? What problem are you trying to solve?
100 word max
  • {name}
Who do you think your potential customers are? Have you done anything to validate this?
100 word max
  • {name}
At what stage of development are you?
100 word max
  • {name}
Is your idea based on a technology innovation that you have invented or are licensing? Please include the status of any patents, issued or provisional.
100 word max
  • {name}
What do you want to get out of I-Corps?
100 word max
  • {name}
Which of the following best describe your stage?
Include all that apply
First and last name
First and last name
First and last name
Other team members
Name and email
  • {name}
Is there anything else you would like us to consider in your application?
  • {name}
Don't change this. We need it for our records.

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