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Organization Application: Spring 2025

Thank you for your interest in the Venture Intern Program. Partner organizations eligible to hire an intern include scalable ventures (non-profit or for-profit) younger than five years old, entrepreneurship support organizations providing services to such ventures, regional accelerator programs, and investor networks. Organizations must have at least one employee based in the NWA region. The Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation will pair student interns with partner organizations in NWA for a 12 week internship each semester. Student interns will work on average 15 hours weekly. Students are hired by the University of Arkansas and are paid $15 per hour for their work with you. They enroll in an internship class and are assigned to work with partner organizations as a part of that experience. All organizations will be required to pay a portion of their interns salary. Please indicate your organizations capacity based on the tiers below: We ask that organizations indicate their capacity to pay their intern based on the following tiers: *Tier 1: contribution of $1,500 per intern (5 years or younger organization) *Tier 2: Contribution of $3,000 Per Intern (5 years or older) *Tier 3: Contribution of $3,000 Per Intern (Entrepreneurial support Organization or Venture Capital Firm) Applications for Spring 2025 Venture Intern Program close on October 20th 11:59pm

Address of organization
  • {name}
Upload your organization's logo
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Drop files here
Select an organization type
How old is the organization?
Please indicate your capacity to pay your intern based on the following tiers:
*Tier 1: contribution of $1,500 per intern (5 years or younger organization) *Tier 2: Contribution of $3,000 Per Intern (5 years or older) *Tier 3: Contribution of $3,000 Per Intern (Entrepreneurial support Organization or Venture Capital Firm)
  • Tier 1
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 3
In 100 words or less, provide a brief overview of the organization.
This will be shared with the student applicant pool.
  • {name}
Please share your vision for how your organization is scalable.
For the purposes of this program, "scalable" is defined as a for-profit or non-profit venture that is able to maintain or improve its efficiency and/or profitability as sales and volume grows. For example, a freelance writer is not a scalable venture, but a marketing company with the ability to efficiently add staff/sub-contractors to handle larger contracts might be. A food truck is not scalable (because it can only produce so much food per day), but a brand/strategy for growing a multi-truck food business might be.
  • {name}
What are some key skills you are looking for in an intern?
Please list any specific expertise. This will be shared with the student applicant pool.
  • {name}
Please select the types of experiences a student might have at your organization that would enhance their idea of what it is like to work at a startup.
  • Board-level discussions
  • Fundraising and finance processes
  • Discussions involving strategic decisions
  • Access to founders
  • Other
How did you hear about the Venture Intern Program?
  • {name}
Could you provide outline of what types of projects intern would be working on over the next 12 weeks?
  • {name}
Please provide pitch deck of company as this is presented to students with overview of your company and organization.
Attach file
Drop files here

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