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Election Officer Application

Thank you for your interest in serving as an Election Officer for Arlington County, VA. By submitting this form you agree to: - Arrive at the polls at 5am on Election Day and remain until all tallies have been completed at the end of the night. - Set up voting equipment and prepare for the polls to open at 6am. - Close the polling place. - Tally election results. Please note: this form does not guarantee that you will be assigned to work. Each election requires a different level of staffing, and we will contact Election Officers as needed.

I affirm that I do not hold elected office, paid or unpaid, under the government of the United States, Virginia, or any Virginia county, city, or town, and am not the deputy or employee of an elected official.
Legal name as appears on your voter registration.
Legal name as appears on your voter registration.
Legal name as appears on your voter registration.
How do you like to be addressed? This name will be used for name tags and communications.
Party Affiliation
Election officers perform nonpartisan duties. Residents of Virginia do not register by party to vote, but the Code of Virginia, which is linked below, requires us to consider party affiliation in assigning election officers and to assign to the extent practicable an equal number of officers of each party in each precinct. Affiliation with a party is not required to be appointed or selected to staff an election; however, affiliated officers are assigned first. If you select a party below, your name and email address will be forwarded to the selected party for their committee to approve your affiliation.
Where are you willing to serve as an officer on election day?
Please select the option that best matches your preference. Your selection does not guarantee your preferred placement on election day.
Please list any languages you speak other than English.
Please only list languages you speak at a conversational level or above.
  • {name}
Do we have permission to text you?
Use this link to check that you are a registered voter in the Commonwealth of Virginia and enter your Voter Number in the box below

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