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Admission Application into the #SPPGClassof2026 Kenya

The SPPG is designed as a 21st-century Disruptive Thinking Leadership program to train new political leaders who will run for elective offices at State and County levels in legislative and executive offices, thus presenting the electorate with top-quality candidates. Our ideal candidates are individuals who have continued to demonstrate commitment to tackling development challenges within Kenyan society. We are looking for leaders with character, competence, capacity, and commitment. After we receive your application, the Admissions Committee will review all completed applications, and those who are successful will be duly notified.

Age category
Social Media Accounts
X, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin
  • {name}
Country of Residence
  • {name}
County of Residence Kenya
Residential Address
  • {name}
Contact Address if different from Residential address
  • {name}
County of Origin
Constituency of Origin
  • {name}
Short bio (Not more than 300 words)
Your Short Bio should include your: - Name - Age - Qualifications - Profession - County of Residence - Your current role - Your major achievements (100 words) - Your vision for Kenya (100 words) - The part you would play in achieving this vision (50words

Educational Qualifications
  • Certificate / Diploma
  • Bachelors
  • Masters
  • Doctorate
  • None
Do you have your certificate
*Industry or Sector
Do you belong to a Professional Association?
Do you have a special need?
Do you plan to run for an elective office?
*Personal Statement
Upload your personal statement of not more than 750 words Your personal statement should address the following 1.What do you do professionally, and what are your contributions to society? 2.What do you consider your most important achievement to date? 3.What is your motivation for applying to the SPPG? 4.How will you deploy the knowledge gained from SPPG afterwards. *Upload PDF, Microsoft Word. *File size not more than 1MB
Attach file
Drop files here
Upload CV
*File size not more than 1MB
Attach file
Drop files here
After submitting your application you need to request for a recommendation from 2 referees.
We will send you an email with instructions on how your prospective referees can submit a recommendation letter to support your application. Without two (2) recommendation letters, we will be unable to consider your application. *Click the check box to confirm that you understand.
How did you first get to know about the SPPG?
  • SPPG Newsletter
  • #FixPolictics Newsletter
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • From Professional Association (ICAN, NBA, Wimbiz etc)
  • Google Search
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • News publication
  • Nomination by a #FixPolitics Member
  • Nomination by an SPPG Faculty Member
  • Nomination by an SPPG Student
  • Online Blog
  • Other
  • Recommended by Someone
  • TV or Radio
  • Whatsapp or Telegram Group
  • Nomination by an SPPG Student
I hereby declare that all of the information I have provided is complete and correct. I am aware that missing or incomplete information, whether deliberate or the result of negligence, may exclude me from the admissions procedure or – if it is not noticed until after I am accepted for the program – may lead to revocation of my admission. Furthermore, I declare that all statements concerning study periods and degrees are correct. I confirm that I have filled in all my information correctly before I submit my application, I understand that failure to do so will exclude me from the admissions procedure. *Click the check box to confirm that you agree.

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