Career Experiences Application
Gain hands-on experience, valuable connections, and new opportunities. Work with top organizations across the country to discover career and industry interests and gain confidence for your future endeavors! Please note: Players eligible for this program must currently be on a team roster or have been under contract in 2024.
Offseason Address *
Select your top 3 experience options: *
If you only want to apply for one opportunity, please select the same option three times.
1st Choice:
2nd Choice *
3rd Choice *
Are there any other companies/industries you have interest in?
Please be as specific as you can
- {name}
Why are you applying for this program? *
- {name}
What career(s) and/or industries interest you? *
- {name}
What professional skills are you hoping to develop through this experience? *
- Public Speaking
- Microsoft Office
- Email Best Practices
- Presentation Skills
- Organization Best Practices
- General Communication Skills
- Other
Shirt/Hoodie Size *
Attach file
Drop files here
Interested in receiving Resume, LinkedIn Profile, Interview Prep help or more? *
Free for active players!
- Interview Prep
- Resume Assistance
- LinkedIn Assistance
- Networking Guidance
- Athlete Interest Assessment
- N/A
After you submit this application, NFLPA staff will reach out to conduct an initial screening. *
Please indicate the best day(s) & time(s) to contact you (include time zone):
- {name}
The NFLPA has additional resources available. Let us know if you would like more info on any of the following:
- Business Opportunities | Complete Your Marketing Profile
- Career Development | Job Shadowing Opportunities
- Continuing Education | Finish Your Undergraduate Degree
- Continuing Education | Pursue Additional Degree/Program
- Continuing Education | Take Online Short Courses
- Health & Wellness | Consultation w/Dr. Amber Cargill
- Health & Wellness | Pain Management Resources
- Health & Wellness | Stress Management & Counseling Services
- Personal Finance | Financial Advisors Program
- Personal Finance | Financial Finesse Coaching Call
- Personal Finance | Free ID & Credit Theft Protection
Are you interested in attending The Summit in Atlanta, GA on February 20-22, 2025? *
- Yes
- No
- Maybe | I need more information
Acknowledgement *
I understand that by submitting this application and if selected, I am committing to spending the agreed upon amount of time working with the respective Partner.
This is not an offer of employment with the NFLPA, nor any of its associated entities. Participants are not guaranteed employment with the NFLPA nor with any of the entities with whom they may be placed following participation in the program. Applicants should be aware that background checks are routinely conducted and failure to disclose relevant information may adversely impact selection for the program. This is an educational/learning opportunity provided solely for the benefit of the selected applicants.
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