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Food and Waste Survey 2023

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. This survey is open to all within our Kiwiburn community and is 100% optional. This survey has been designed for anonymity and raw results will only be accessed by your Sustainability team. The information will help provide your Sustainability team with the tools needed to better understand how our community approaches kai (food), and the associated waste. From here we can look at implementing a dynamic and more targeted approach towards parakore (zero waste). To allow the results to be representative, please submit one survey per person. If you have consent to fill this out on someone else's behalf, you are welcome to do so. There are no compulsory questions, only answer what you are comfortable with. This survey will be available during the month of October.

Are you intending to go to Kiwiburn 2024?
Did you attend Kiwiburn this year (2023)?
What best describes your food preferences at Kiwiburn?
Different food preferences often require different composting methods, If you feel we have missed a significant food preference, please let us know here.
  • {name}
What is your approach to cooking at Kiwiburn?
Select all that apply.
  • Prepare and plan meals as a Theme Camp
  • Prepare meals at home to take with me
  • Prepare meals at Kiwiburn
  • Bring more than I need! so I can gift my art of cuisine to the Paddock
  • Bring less then I need, as the Paddock provides
  • I find planning ahead challenging
  • I prefer not to answer
What is your approach to sourcing food?
Select all that apply
  • Purchase ingredients close to home
  • Prefer to purchase food near Kiwiburn, to help support the locals
  • I consider packaging when purchasing food items
  • Organic foods wherever I can!
  • Grow my own mǟrakai (garden)
  • Whatever is on sale that week
  • If you cook it, I’ll eat it
  • I prefer not to answer
Please use this space if you will like to add anything about sourcing and/or cooking food
  • {name}
What are your views on having composting options at Kiwiburn?
Select all that apply
  • I don't really have many food scraps left to use one
  • Having composting options available at Kiwiburn is awesome
  • I worry this will encourage people to be wasteful
  • I feel this is in opposition to radical self reliance
  • This is a great way to help promote communal effort
  • I have no views
How do you manage your recycling after Kiwiburn?
For this question, we define a detour as one that adds at least 20 minutes to your travel.
How do you manage your rubbish/landfill after Kiwiburn?
For this question, we define a detour as one that adds at least 20 minutes to your travel.
  • Take it home and add to the city collection
  • There is a Landfill or Transfer Station on the way home
  • I take a detour and drop it off at a Landfill or Transfer Station
  • Another camp member looks after this
  • I gift it to the nearest roadside bin
  • I do not have any rubbish to dispose of
What are your views on recycling options being on, or close to Kiwiburn
What are your views on rubbish/landfill options being on, or close to Kiwiburn?
Your Sustainability team will use Electric Fence Post, Facebook, and Instagram to help keep you informed. If you prefer a more personal approach, an opportunity to join our discussions throughout the year, or even volunteer with us. Please leave your name and email address below
  • Sign me up to Kiwiburn Sustainability updates
  • Invite me to Green Kiwi meetings (usually September - December)
  • Invite me to Carbon Responsibility meetings (usually March - August)
  • I am keen to volunteer.

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