27699 is a composite numbers such that the sum of its proper divisors is a palindrome, here 14541. In the range up to 40000, the percentage of numbers withh this property is 1.89%. The numbers are:
27699, 27707, 27729, 27804, 27853, 27874, 27907, 27916, 28117, 28159, 28243, 28295, 28381, 28593, 28667, 28673, 28757, 28841, 28853, 28886, 28899, 28939, 28956, 29019, 29047, 29089, 29177, 29200, 29357, 29369, 29395, 29440, 29525, 29526, 29528, 29760, 29801, 29977, 30009, 30061, 30175, 30186, 30397, 30568, 30619, 30683, 30743, 30750, 30758, 30847, 30936, 30967, 30969, 30973, 30997, 31104, 31220, 31289, 31396, 31405, 31453, 31463, 31519, 31571, 31713, 31775, 31791, 31828, 31861, 31903, 31949, 31958, 32005, 32013, 32275, 32387, 32437, 32463, 32481, 32529, 32597, 32629, 32873, 32881, 33124, 33176, 33227, 33323, 33376, 33430, 33474, 33541, 33565, 33612, 33638, 33653, 33688, 33707, 33793, 34029, 34101, 34228, 34349, 34427, 34547, 34571, 34599, 34609, 34618, 34717, 34733, 34817, 34943, 35005, 35178, 35244, 35330, 35336, 35359, 35421, 35643, 35669, 35713, 35749, 35773, 35830, 35843, 35957, 35966, 36036, 36146, 36199, 36367, 36369, 36391, 36492, 36655, 36917, 36925, 36941, 37008, 37016, 37036, 37065, 37133, 37178, 37187, 37327, 37492, 37551, 37651, 37665, 37729, 38033, 38059, 38078, 38173, 38191, 38263, 38407, 38417, 38460, 38589, 38620, 38696, 38720, 38751, 38784, 38798, 38826, 38827, 38836, 38849, 38934, 38951, 39058, 39155, 39220, 39284, 39348, 39379, 39381, 39384, 39458, 39599, 39676, 39760, 39943, 39981
27699 is a sphenic number.
27699 is an interprime number because it is at equal distance from previous prime (27697) and next prime (27701).
27699 has a sum of squares of digits that is a prime number, namely 251.
27699 does not reach a home prime after 50 steps.
27699 is a xenodrome in base 7 : 143520
27699 can be expressed in terms of the buiding block numbers (1, 2, 4, 11, 25, 64, 171, 569, 3406, 27697) as 27697 + 2.
27699 has a Gray code equivalent that is also a sphenic number: 23082 = 2 * 3 * 3847
27699 has a sum of digits of 33 and 27699 - 33 = 27666.
27699 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
-2 + 7 = 6 - 9 / 9
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