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Lorem ipsum
January 22, 2024
Number of Factors
Three Factors
2 * 19 * 719
27322 is a sphenic number arising from the combination of two members of the sequence OEIS A181622, specifically 29 and 27293. See blog post Sphenic Generating Number Set.
27322 is a happy number.
27322 is a junction number because it is equal to n+sod(n) for n = 27296 and 27305.
27322 is a D-powerful number because it can be written as 2^5 + 7^5 + 3^5 + 2^11 + 2^13.
27322 is an iban number because its written expression, twenty two thousand three hundred twenty two, does not contain the letter "i".
27322 has the property that the last two digits match the calendar day of the month (22nd January). It shares this property with the numbers from 27301 (1st January) to 27331 (31st January). However, the last two digits of my diurnal age will match the number of days that have elapsed in the year up 27399 (April 8th 2024). 2024 is a leap year by the way.