27655 is a composite number containing the digit 5 at least once whose prime factors each contain the digit 5 as well so that, overall, the digit 5 occurs five times. See blog post A Multiplicity of Digits: Part 1. There are only 27 such numbers in the range up to 40000:
5255, 5755, 7555, 12755, 15635, 17555, 25055, 25295, 25505, 25535, 25565, 25595, 25765, 25855, 26755, 27505, 27515, 27535, 27595, 27655, 27785, 27955, 28255, 28555, 29255, 32755, 35755
27655 is a happy and Duffinian number.
27655 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
-2 + 7 = 6 - 5 / 5