27532 has the property that all its digits are prime and so it is a member of OEIS A046034. It forms a pair with 27533.
There are 852 such numbers in the range up to 40000. Permalink. The remaining 27**** numbers are:
27533, 27535, 27537, 27552, 27553, 27555, 27557, 27572, 27573, 27575, 27577, 27722, 27723, 27725, 27727, 27732, 27733, 27735, 27737, 27752, 27753, 27755, 27757, 27772, 27773, 27775, 27777
After 27777, the next member of the sequence is 32222.
27532 has the added property that its sum of digits (19) is prime. Furthemore, when this sum of digits is added to the number it produces a prime, 27551.
27532 has an aliquot sequence that requires 211 steps to terminate. Here is a permalink to a logarithmic graph of its trajectory.
27532 is a happy number.
27532 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 | (7 + 5) = 3 * 2