27486 is a member of OEIS A046515: numbers with multiplicative persistence value 6, here 27486, 2688, 768, 336, 54, 20, 0. There are 120 permutations of these digits, all with the same multiplicative persistence and same trajectory. These are
27468, 27486, 27648, 27684, 27846, 27864, 24768, 24786, 24678, 24687, 24876, 24867, 26748, 26784, 26478, 26487, 26874, 26847, 28746, 28764, 28476, 28467, 28674, 28647, 72468, 72486, 72648, 72684, 72846, 72864, 74268, 74286, 74628, 74682, 74826, 74862, 76248, 76284, 76428, 76482, 76824, 76842, 78246, 78264, 78426, 78462, 78624, 78642, 42768, 42786, 42678, 42687, 42876, 42867, 47268, 47286, 47628, 47682, 47826, 47862, 46278, 46287, 46728, 46782, 46827, 46872, 48276, 48267, 48726, 48762, 48627, 48672, 62748, 62784, 62478, 62487, 62874, 62847, 67248, 67284, 67428, 67482, 67824, 67842, 64278, 64287, 64728, 64782, 64827, 64872, 68274, 68247, 68724, 68742, 68427, 68472, 82746, 82764, 82476, 82467, 82674, 82647, 87246, 87264, 87426, 87462, 87624, 87642, 84276, 84267, 84726, 84762, 84627, 84672, 86274, 86247, 86724, 86742, 86427, 86472
27486 is a Harshad, Curzon, inconsummate, abundant, pseudoperfect and Zumkeller number.
27486 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 * (7 + 4 - 8) = 6