27483 is a number that is the lesser of a pair of adjacent composite numbers such that both are only one step away from their home primes. Here 27483 = 3 * 9161 --> 39161 is prime and 27484 = 2^2 * 6871 --> 226871 is also prime. See Bespoken for Sequences entry.
27483 is a cyclic number.
27483 is a fibodiv number since the Fibonacci-like sequence with seeds 27 and 483 contains 27483 itself. Sequence runs thus: 27, 483, 510, 993, 1503, 2496, 3999, 6495, 10494, 16989, 27483, 44472, ...
27483 is a lucky, inconsummate and D-number.
27483 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 + 7 = 4 + 8 -3