27732 (and the next number 27733) have the property that all their digits are prime and so they are members of OEIS A046034.
There are 852 such numbers in the range up to 40000 with 124 of them being prime. Permalink.
The remaining 27**** numbers are:
27522, 27523, 27525, 27527, 27532, 27533, 27535, 27537, 27552, 27553, 27555, 27557, 27572, 27573, 27575, 27577, 27722, 27723, 27725, 27727, 27732, 27733, 27735, 27737, 27752, 27753, 27755, 27757, 27772, 27773, 27775, 27777
After 27777, the next member of the sequence is 32222.
27732 is a member of OEIS A225535: numbers whose cubed digits sum to a cube, and have more than one nonzero digit, here sum is 729 = 9^3.
The members of the sequence from 27732 to 40000 are:
27732, 27758, 27785, 27857, 27875, 28577, 28757, 28775, 30045, 30054, 30405, 30450, 30504, 30540, 31123, 31132, 31213, 31231, 31312, 31321, 31369, 31396, 31458, 31485, 31548, 31584, 31639, 31693, 31845, 31854, 31936, 31963, 32113, 32131, 32277, 32311, 32727, 32772, 33112, 33121, 33169, 33196, 33211, 33619, 33691, 33699, 33916, 33961, 33969, 33996, 34005, 34050, 34158, 34185, 34500, 34518, 34581, 34688, 34815, 34851, 34868, 34886, 35004, 35040, 35148, 35184, 35400, 35418, 35481, 35814, 35841, 36139, 36193, 36319, 36391, 36399, 36488, 36848, 36884, 36913, 36931, 36939, 36993, 37227, 37272, 37722, 38145, 38154, 38415, 38451, 38468, 38486, 38514, 38541, 38648, 38684, 38846, 38864, 39136, 39163, 39316, 39361, 39369, 39396, 39613, 39631, 39639, 39693, 39936, 39963]
27732 has a totient that is a multiple of a primorial number, here 27732 = 2^3 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 = 4 * 2310.
27732 is a tau number since it is divisible by the number of its divisors (12).
27732 is a junction number because it is equal to n+sod(n) for n = 27699 and 27708.
27732 is a nialpdromein base 6 : 332220.
27732 is an untouchable, abundant, pseudoperfect and Zumkeller number.
27732 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 - 7 / 7 = 3 - 2
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