27440 is a number that is divisible by its first digit cubed, its second digit squared and its third digit (0's and 1's are not allowed). See Bespoken for Sequences entry. The sequence runs:
[224, 324, 448, 2224, 2232, 2240, 2248, 2280, 2288, 2448, 2480, 2664, 2744, 2880, 3240, 3348, 4224, 4288, 4480, 6264, 6480, 6696, 22200, 22208, 22216, 22224, 22232, 22240, 22248, 22256, 22264, 22272, 22280, 22288, 22296, 22320, 22344, 22368, 22392, 22400, 22408, 22416, 22424, 22432, 22440, 22448, 22456, 22464, 22472, 22480, 22488, 22496, 22520, 22560, 22608, 22632, 22656, 22680, 22736, 22792, 22800, 22808, 22816, 22824, 22832, 22840, 22848, 22856, 22864, 22872, 22880, 22888, 22896, 22968, 23256, 23328, 23400, 23472, 23616, 23688, 23832, 23904, 23976, 24208, 24224, 24240, 24256, 24272, 24288, 24336, 24384, 24400, 24416, 24432, 24448, 24464, 24480, 24496, 24560, 24624, 24672, 24752, 24800, 24816, 24832, 24848, 24864, 24880, 24896, 24912, 25200, 25400, 25800, 26208, 26280, 26352, 26424, 26496, 26640, 26712, 26856, 26928, 27440, 27832, 28224, 28288, 28416, 28480, 28608, 28800, 28864, 29808, 32292, 32400, 32616, 32832, 32940, 33210, 33264, 33318, 33345, 33372, 33399, 33480, 33642, 33696, 33912, 33939, 33966, 33993, 34560, 34992, 36288, 36396, 36612, 36936, 39204, 39366, 39690, 39933]
27440 is an abundant, practical, Zumkeller and pseudoperfect number.
27440 can be rendered as a digit equation as follows:
2 * 7 * (4 - 4) = 0
27440 stabilises after about 920 generations to a single glider and an assortment of still life shapes and oscillators