27341 is a semiprime whose average of prime factors is a perfect number, here (19+1439)/2 = 729 = 27^2. See Bespoken for Sequences entry. The semiprimes from 27341 to 40000 with this property are:
27341, 27415, 27649, 27661, 27887, 28073, 28247, 28417, 28967, 29047, 29135, 29431, 30237, 30311, 30461, 30847, 31597, 31681, 32047, 32551, 32567, 32847, 33431, 33527, 34207, 34241, 34647, 34951, 35249, 35333, 35741, 35807, 36077, 36391, 36737, 37327, 37437, 37733, 37777, 38081, 38191, 38407, 38551, 38687, 39421, 39449, 39665
27341 is a happy, cyclic and Duffinian number.